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theresa-cy-ngo edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 53 revisions

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  1. UC-User
  2. UC-Inventory
  3. UC-Friends
  4. UC-Browse/Search Inventories of Friends
  5. UC-Trade with Friends
  6. UC-Photographs of Items
  7. UC-Offline Behaviour
  8. UC-Configuration
  9. UC-Top Traders
  10. UC-Item Cloning


Use Case Name CreateAccount
Participating Actors Borrower or owner (primary)
Goal Borrower or owner has an account
Trigger Borrower or owner chooses the option to create an account
Precondition Borrower or Owner has the application and knows their information for creating a new account
Postcondition Borrower or Owner has an account and becomes a user of the application
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts Borrower or Owner to enter their username, city, phone number, and email address.
  2. Borrower or Owner enters and submits the information.
  3. System creates an account with the information, and logs the user into the system.
Exceptions   2. If Borrower or Owner leaves one of the information blank or the username already exists
  2.1. System displays an error message
  2.2. System returns to step 1.
Constraints Username is unique
Related Artifacts 11.01.01
Use Case Name Login
Participating Actors User
Goal User accesses the system
Trigger User requests to login
Precondition User has an account and is not logged into the system
Postcondition User is logged into the system
Basic Flow
  1. System requests User to enter their username.
  2. User enters and submits their username.
  3. System validates the user information and logs user into the system.
Exceptions   3. If username does not exist
  3.1. System displays an error message
  3.2. System returns to step 1
Extends CreateAccount, Logout
Related Artifacts 11.02.01



Use Case Name AddItem
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner adds a new item to their inventory
Trigger Owner chooses to add a new item to their inventory while viewing their inventory
Precondition Owner wants to add a new item and knows the information to be entered for it
Postcondition On success, the new item is added to the inventory
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts Owner to upload a picture of the item and to enter its name, category, quality, quantity, visibility, price, and description.
  2. Owner enters and submits item information.
  3. System adds the new item to Owner's inventory.
Exceptions   3. If Owner does not enter the item name
  3.1. System shows an error message
  3.2. System prompts Owner to enter a name
Includes SetItemVisibility, SetItemCategory
Related Artifacts 01.01.01
Use Case Name EditItem
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner changes the inventory item information
Trigger Owner is viewing one of their own item's details and chooses to modify it
Precondition Owner knows the information to be modified
Postcondition On success, the new item information is updated
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the current item information.
  2. Owner modifies the item information and submits the new information.
  3. System changes the item information.
Exceptions   3. If Owner does not enter new information
  3.1. System does not make any changes to the information
  3.2. System returns to display the item's details
Includes SetItemVisibility, SetItemCategory
Related Artifacts 01.01.01, 01.04.01
Use Case Name RemoveItem
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner deletes the inventory item
Trigger Owner chooses an item to be removed from the inventory
Precondition Owner knows the item to be deleted and it exists in the inventory
Postcondition On success, the item is removed from the owner's inventory
Basic Flow
  1. System removes the item from the owner’s inventory.
Exceptions   1. If the item is currently in a pending trade
  1.1 The system declines the pending trade
  1.2 The system removes the item from inventory
Includes DeclineTrade
Related Artifacts 01.01.01, 01.05.01
Use Case Name ViewInventory
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner views their inventory and its details
Trigger Owner chooses the Inventory option from their profile
Precondition There are items in the owner's inventory
Postcondition On success, Owner’s list of inventory items are displayed
Basic Flow   1. System displays the list of items in the owner's inventory.
Exceptions   1. If there are no items in the owner's inventory
  1.1 System returns an error message
  1.2 System returns to the owner's Profile page
Extends ViewItem
Related Artifacts 01.02.01
Use Case Name ViewItem
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner views an inventory item and its details
Trigger Owner chooses a specific item from their inventory to view
Precondition The item exists in the inventory and the owner knows the item to be viewed
Postcondition On success, the item's information is displayed
Basic Flow   1. System displays the item information.
Related Artifacts 01.03.01
Use Case Name SetItemVisibility
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner sets whether or not the item will be publicly displayed
Trigger Owner chooses to edit or add an item
Precondition Item exists in the inventory and Owner knows what the visibility should be set as
Postcondition On success, the item's visibility will be set to public or private
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the item information to be edited, including the options for visibility.
  2. Owner selects one and saves it.
  3. System updates the item’s visibility.
Related Artifacts 01.03.01, 03.02.01
Use Case Name SetItemCategory
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner selects a category for an item
Trigger Owner chooses to edit or add an item
Precondition Item exists in the inventory and the owner knows what category the item should be set as
Postcondition On success, the item will be placed in the chosen category
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the item information to be edited, including the options for categories.
  2. Owner selects one and saves it.
  3. System updates the item’s category.
Related Artifacts 01.06.01



Use Case Name SearchUsername
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner finds another user
Trigger Owner chooses the option to add a friend
Precondition Owner knows at least part of the username to be searched
Postcondition On success, a list of usernames matching the query is shown
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the owner to enter at least part of the username they want to search for.
  2. Owner submits the text query.
  3. System displays a list of matching users.
Exceptions   3. If there are no users that match the query
  3.1. System displays no users
Related Artifacts 02.01.01
Use Case Name AddFriend
Participating Actors Owner (primary), User
Goal Owner adds User to their friend list
Trigger Owner chooses the Add Friend option while viewing the user's profile
Precondition User exists and is not already on the Owner's friend list
Postcondition On success, User is added to Owner’s friend list
Basic Flow
  1. System adds User to Owner's friend list.
Related Artifacts 02.02.01
Use Case Name RemoveFriend
Participating Actors Owner (primary), User
Goal Owner removes User from their friend list
Trigger Owner chooses the user to be removed from their friend list
Precondition User is in the owner's friend list
Postcondition On success, User is removed from Owner’s friend list
Basic Flow
  1. System removes User from Owner's friend list.
Related Artifacts 02.03.01
Use Case Name ViewPersonalProfile
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower views their personal profile
Trigger Owner or borrower chooses the Profile option
Precondition Owner or Borrower has an account
Postcondition On success, Owner or Borrower’s profile is displayed
Basic Flow   1. System displays the Owner or Borrower’s profile.
Related Artifacts 02.04.01
Use Case Name ViewOtherProfile
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower (primary), User
Goal Owner or borrower views the profile of anyone they know of including friends
Trigger Owner or borrower chooses a name from a list of users
Precondition Owner or borrower can search for the user or has them on their friend list
Postcondition On success, User's profile is displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the user’s profile.
Related Artifacts 02.05.01


Browse/Search Inventories of Friends

Use Case Name SearchFriendInventory
Participating Actors Borrower
Goal Borrower can browse the inventory of their friend
Trigger Borrower chooses the Inventory option when viewing a friend's profile
Precondition Owner is a friend of Borrower, Owner's inventory exists, and Owner has some items set to be publicly visible
Postcondition On success, the owner's inventory information is displayed
Basic Flow   1. System displays Owner’s inventory of items that are publicly shared.
Exceptions   1. If no items are publicly shared or the owner does not have any items in their inventory
  1.1 System displays no items
Constraints Borrower can only see friend(owner)'s items that are marked as public visibility
Includes BrowseInventoryByCategory, BrowseInventoryByTextQuery
Related Artifacts 03.01.01, 03.02.01
Use Case Name BrowseInventoryByCategory
Participating Actors Borrower
Goal Borrower views a friend inventory by category
Trigger Borrower is viewing an inventory and chooses to search by category
Precondition Owner is a friend of Borrower, Owner's inventory exists, and Owner shares some of their items
Postcondition On success, the friend inventory information is displayed by category
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts Borrower to choose a category from a list.
  2. Borrower chooses a category.
  3. System displays a list of items in that category.
Exceptions   3. If the owner has no items that are publicly shared in that category
  3.1 System displays an error message and returns to the inventory page
Constraints Borrower can only see friend(owner)'s item marked as public
Related Artifacts 03.01.02, 03.02.01
Use Case Name BrowseInventoryByTextQuery
Participating Actors Borrower
Goal Borrower views a friend inventory after entering a textual query
Trigger Borrower is viewing an inventory and chooses to search by name
Precondition Owner is a friend of Borrower, Owner's inventory exists, Owner shares some of their items, and Borrower knows part of the item name they want to search for
Postcondition On success, Borrower will view items in a friend inventory that matches the textual query
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts Borrower to enter a textual query.
  2. Borrower submits a textual query.
  3. System displays a list of items that matches the query.
Exceptions   2. If the borrower does not enter any text
  2.1 System displays an error message and returns to the inventory page
  3. If the owner has no items that are publicly shared and matches the textual query
  3.1 System displays an error message and returns to the inventory page
Constraints Borrower can only see friend(owner)'s item marked as public
Related Artifacts 03.01.03, 03.02.01


Trade with Friends

Use Case Name OfferTradeWithFriends
Participating Actors Borrower (primary), Owner
Goal Borrower offers a trade with an owner, and the trade consists of an item from the owner’s inventory and 0 or more items from the borrower’s inventory
Trigger Borrower chooses the Trade option on an item in the owner’s inventory
Precondition The item to be traded exists in Owner’s inventory
Postcondition A trade request is sent to the owner
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the borrower to choose 0 or more items from the borrower’s inventory.
  2. Borrower selects the item(s) in their inventory that they want to trade.
  3. System sends a trade request to Owner.
Related Artifacts 04.01.01
Use Case Name GetTradeNotifications
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner receives the trade request notification
Trigger Borrower sends a trade request to Owner and Owner chooses to view their Offered Trades
Precondition A trade request exists
Postcondition The trade request is displayed to the owner
Basic Flow
  1. System presents the new trade request information to Owner.
Related Artifacts 04.02.01
Use Case Name AcceptTrade
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner accepts the trade
Trigger Owner receives the trade notification and chooses the trade from the list of Offered Trades.
Precondition The trade exists
Postcondition The trade is accepted
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the owner to accept, decline, or counter the trade.
  2. Owner accepts the trade.
  3. System creates a transaction.
Includes EmailTradeInfo
Related Artifacts 04.03.01
Use Case Name DeclineTrade
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner declines trade
Trigger Owner receives the trade notification and chooses the trade from the list of Offered Trades
Precondition The trade exists
Postcondition The trade is declined
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the owner to accept, decline, or counter the trade.
  2. Owner declines the trade.
  3. System removes the transaction from the owner's notification list.
Related Artifacts 04.03.01
Use Case Name OfferCounterTrade
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner offers a counter trade initialized with the items of the suggested trade
Trigger Owner chooses to decline a trade
Precondition The trade exists
Postcondition The counter trade request is sent to Borrower
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the owner to make a counter trade.
  2. Owner chooses to offer a counter trade.
  3. System displays items from initial trade and prompts the owner to choose 0 or more items from the owner's inventory.
  4. Owner selects the item(s) in their inventory that they want to trade.
  5. System sends a counter trade to the borrower.
  6. Borrower receives the counter trade notification.
Related Artifacts 04.04.01
Use Case Name EditTrade
Participating Actors Owner or borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower edits the trade information
Trigger Owner or Borrower chooses to edit a trade from a list of trades
Precondition The trade exists
Postcondition The trade information updates
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the trade information.
  2. Owner or Borrower chooses which trade will be edited.
  3. System prompts Owner or Borrower to enter the new information.
  4. Owner enters and submits the new information.
  5. System makes a change to the trade information.
Exceptions   4. If Owner or Borrower does not enter new information
  4.1. System does not make any changes to the trade
  4.2. System returns to step 1
Related Artifacts 04.05.01
Use Case Name DeleteTrade
Participating Actors Borrower
Goal Borrower deletes the trade
Trigger Borrower is making a trade and chooses to cancel it
Precondition The trade exists
Postcondition On success, the list of trades are updated
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the borrower to confirm the deletion.
  2. Borrower chooses to confirm.
  3. System deletes the trade.
Related Artifacts 04.06.01
Use Case Name EmailTradeInfo
Participating Actors Owner (primary), borrower
Goal Owner and borrower get emails of trade information
Trigger Owner chooses to accept trade
Precondition The trade exists and Owner chooses to accept the trade
Postcondition On success, Owner and Borrower get emails of trade information
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts owner to comment on how to continue the trade.
  2. Owner submits comment.
  3. System sends email to of trade details to Owner and Borrower.
Related Artifacts 04.07.01
Use Case Name BrowsePastTrades
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower’s past trades are displayed
Trigger Owner or Borrower chooses to view their past trades
Precondition Owner or Borrower has past trades
Postcondition On success, Owner or Borrower’s past trades are displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System shows the Owner or Borrower's past trades.
Exceptions   1. If the owner or borrower has no past trades
  1.1. System displays an error message and returns to main history
Related Artifacts 04.08.01, 04.09.01
Use Case Name BrowseCurrentTrades
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower’s current trades are displayed
Trigger Owner or Borrower chooses to view their current trades
Precondition Owner or Borrower currently has trades pending or offered
Postcondition On success, Owner or Borrower’s current trades are displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System shows the Owner or Borrower's current trades.
Exceptions   1. If the owner or borrower has no current trades
  1.1. System displays an error message and returns to main history
Related Artifacts 04.08.01, 04.09.01
Use Case Name BrowseMySentTrades
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower’s trades that they offered are displayed
Trigger Owner or Borrower chooses to view their pending trades
Precondition Owner or Borrower has trades they have offered
Postcondition On success, Owner or Borrower’s trades that they offered are displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System shows trades that the Owner or Borrower have offered.
Exceptions   1. If the owner or borrower has no trades that they have offered
  1.1. System displays an error message and returns to main trades
Related Artifacts 04.08.01, 04.09.01
Use Case Name BrowseTradesOfferedToMe
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower’s trades that are offered to them are displayed
Trigger Owner or Borrower chooses to view the trades offered to them
Precondition Owner or Borrower has trades that were offered to them
Postcondition On success, Owner or Borrower’s trades that are offered to them are displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System shows the trades offered to the owner or borrower.
Exceptions   1. If the owner or borrower has no trades offered to them
  1.1. System displays an error message and returns to main trades
Includes BrowseCurrentTrade, BrowsePastTrade
Related Artifacts 04.08.01, 04.09.01
Use Case Name SetTradeToComplete
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner sets the trade to the completed status
Trigger Owner viewing the trade details and chooses to set the trade to complete
Precondition The trade exists and the owner and borrower have completed the trade
Postcondition On success, the trade is set to complete
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the trade information to the owner.
  2. Owner sets the trade status to complete.
  3. System sets the trade to complete and adds it to the owner's Completed Trades history.
Related Artifacts 04.10.01
Use Case Name BrowseCompleteTrades
Participating Actors Owner or Borrower
Goal Owner or Borrower’s trades that were completed are displayed
Trigger Owner or Borrower can choose to view their completed trades
Precondition Owner or Borrower has completed trades
Postcondition On success, Owner or Borrower's completed trades are displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the owner or borrower's completed trades.
Exceptions   1. If the owner or borrower has no completed trades
  1.1. System displays an error message and returns to the main history
Includes BrowsePastTrade
Related Artifacts 04.12.01


Photographs of Items

Use Case Name AttachItemPhotograph
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner attaches a photograph to an item
Trigger Owner chooses to modify or add an item
Precondition Owner has a gallery and item photos on it
Postcondition On success, the item's photograph is attached to the item
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts owner to attach a photograph.
  2. Owner selects photograph from their gallery.
  3. System attaches the photograph to the item description.
Constraints Image file must be under 65536 bytes in size
Related Artifacts 06.01.01, 06.04.01
Use Case Name ViewItemPhotograph
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner views the image attached to an item
Trigger Owner chooses an item to view
Precondition Item has photographs attached
Postcondition On success, the photograph of the item is displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the item's information and its photograph.
Extends DeleteItemPhotograph
Related Artifacts 06.02.01
Use Case Name DeleteItemPhotograph
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner deletes any attached photograph on an item
Trigger Owner chooses to modify or add an item
Precondition Item has photographs attached
Postcondition On success, item photographs are removed from the item details
Basic Flow
  1. System displays item information and its photograph.
  2. Owner selects the photograph.
  3. System prompts Owner whether or not they want to delete the photograph.
  4. Owner agrees to delete the photograph.
  5. System removes the photo from the item.
Related Artifacts 06.03.01
Use Case Name EnablePhotographDownload
Participating Actors User
Goal User is able to see item photographs
Trigger User chooses the Setting option
Precondition Item has photos
Postcondition On success, item photographs will be displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the user’s settings.
  2. User enables photograph download.
  3. System shows item photographs when the user browses an inventory.
Related Artifacts 06.05.01, 10.01.01
Use Case Name DisablePhotographDownload
Participating Actors User
Goal User becomes unable to see item photographs
Trigger User chooses the Setting option
Precondition Item has photos
Postcondition On success, item photographs will not be displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the user’s settings.
  2. User disables photograph download.
  3. System does not show item photographs when the user browses an inventory.
Related Artifacts 06.05.01, 10.01.01


Offline Behaviour

Use Case Name MakeInventoryItemsOffline
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner creates inventory items while offline, and pushes application and expenses information online once they get connectivity
Trigger Owner chooses to add a new item to their inventory
Precondition Owner has a new item to create, but does not have connectivity on their phone
Postcondition On success, item is added automatically once Owner gets connectivity
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the owner with item detail prompts.
  2. Owner enters the information and submits it to the system.
  3. System saves the information and adds it to the owner’s inventory once the owner is reconnected.
Includes AddItemToInventory
Related Artifacts 09.01.01
Use Case Name MakeTradeOffline
Participating Actors Borrower
Goal Borrower requests a trade offline and the system sends the request online once the borrower gets connected
Trigger Borrower chooses to make a trade while they are not connected
Precondition Borrower would like to make a trade request with a friend, borrower knows what item they would like from their friend, and the borrower is not connected
Postcondition On success, the trade request is made once the borrower is online
Basic Flow
  1. System prompts the borrower for information regarding the trade request.
  2. Borrower enters the information.
  3. System saves the information and sends the trade request when the borrower is online.
Exceptions   2. If the owner removes the item while the borrower is offline
  2.1 System displays an error message to the borrower
  2.2 System removes the trade from the borrow's pending trades
Includes OfferTradeWithFriends, DeleteTrade
Related Artifacts 09.02.01
Use Case Name BrowseFriendInventoryOffline
Participating Actors Borrower
Goal Owner is able to view friend inventories offline that have been previously viewed while online
Trigger Owner chooses to view a friend inventory
Precondition Owner has viewed the inventory before and the system has the inventory cached in its memory
Postcondition On success, the owner sees their friend’s inventory list
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the saved friend inventory.
Related Artifacts 09.03.01



Use Case Name EditProfile
Participating Actors User
Goal User changes their profile information
Trigger User chooses the option to edit their profile
Precondition User has an account and knows the information they want to change
Postcondition On success, the user’s profile information is changed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays the user's current profile information.
  2. User modifies and submits the new information.
  3. System changes the user's profile.
Exceptions   3. If the user does not enter new information
  3.1. System does not make any changes to the information
  3.2. System returns to display the user's profile
Extends ViewPersonalProfile
Related Artifacts 10.02.01


Top Traders

Use Case Name ViewTopTraders
Participating Actors User
Goal User views the top traders on their friend list
Trigger User chooses to view the top traders in their friend list
Precondition User has friends and the user's friends have made trades
Postcondition On success, the user's top traders are displayed
Basic Flow
  1. System displays top traders on the user's friend list.
Exceptions   1. If the user has no friends on their friend list
  1.1. System displays and error message and returns to the user's friend list
Related Artifacts 12.01.01


Item Cloning

Use Case Name CloneItem
Participating Actors Owner
Goal Owner clones another user's item into the owner's inventory
Trigger Owner chooses to clone an item while viewing another user's item
Precondition Owner owns the item and User has the item set to be viewed publicly
Postcondition On success, the owner has the cloned item in their inventory
Basic Flow
  1. System creates a copy of the item and adds it to the owner's inventory.
Related Artifacts 13.01.01
