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Release Planning

Brian Ofrim edited this page Nov 27, 2016 · 10 revisions

Completions for Project Part 4:

US 01.01.01 As a rider, I want to request rides between two locations.

US 01.02.01 As a rider, I want to see current requests I have open. (rider has an option to view requests)

US 01.03.01 As a rider, I want to be notified if my request is accepted. (Push notification is sent to the user when any new driver has accepted their ride)

US 01.06.01 As a rider, I want an estimate of a fair fare to offer to drivers. (We use a simple fair estimation algorithm based on distance of road the driver has to drive)

US 03.01.01 As a user, I want a profile with a unique username and my contact information.

US 03.02.01 As a user, I want to edit the contact information in my profile.

US 03.03.01 As a user, I want to, when a username is presented for a thing, retrieve and show its contact information.

US 04.01.01 As a driver, I want to browse and search for open requests by geo-location. (Driver can easily move around a pin on the map and set a radius to search. They can also type in location and that will move the pin to that location. They can set the radius and call search near pin to have full capabilities of searching by geo-location)

US 05.01.01 As a driver, I want to accept a request I agree with and accept that offered payment upon completion. (When driver agrees to pick up a person the fare is set and shown to them so accepting to pick them up also confirms that that they accept that amount of payment)

US 10.01.01 As a rider, I want to specify a start and end geo locations on a map for a request. (Rider can place a marker by typing in an address or clicking the map at the location they want to drop a pin and confirming that as pickup/drop off location)

US 10.02.01 (added 2016-02-29) As a driver, I want to view start and end geo locations on a map for a request. (Simply click on an address to view the location of it available to both rider and driver)

US 01.05.01 As a rider, I want to be able to phone or email the driver who accepted a request. (Please note as we do not have functionality for a driver to confirm an acceptance yet a rider cannot view set his driver, but the functionality to send an email or call any profile is set)

Partial Completions for project part 4

US 05.02.01 As a driver, I want to view a list of things I have accepted that are pending, each request with its description, and locations. (Driver has some sorting of his requests already set up, and every request has a detail page involving all that is involved, needs to be improved for final release)

US 02.01.01 As a rider or driver, I want to see the status of a request that I am involved in. (We have some sorting for rider and driver but we would like to put a status header for all the requests, to make all requests obvious to what stage each request is in)

Goal completions for Release 2 / Project Part 5(deadline: MONDAY NOVEMBER 28th, 2016) :

US 01.07.01 As a rider, I want to confirm the completion of a request and enable payment.

US 01.04.01 As a rider, I want to cancel requests.

US 01.08.01 As a rider, I want to confirm a driver's acceptance. This allows us to choose from a list of acceptances if more than 1 driver accepts simultaneously.

US 04.02.01 As a driver, I want to browse and search for open requests by keyword.

US 05.03.01 As a driver, I want to see if my acceptance was accepted.

US 05.04.01 As a driver, I want to be notified if my ride offer was accepted.

US 08.01.01 As an driver, I want to see requests that I already accepted while offline.

US 08.02.01 As a rider, I want to see requests that I have made while offline.

US 08.03.01 As a rider, I want to make requests that will be sent once I get connectivity again.

US 08.04.01 As a driver, I want to accept requests that will be sent once I get connectivity again.

Future Release Planning

  • Add profile pictures to user profiles
  • Host offline map tiles on the server
  • Integrate with an online payment system
  • Secure user accounts with passwords & 2FA
  • Allow drivers to have multiple vehicles
  • Provide realtime driving instructions to drivers
  • Different vehicle classes (limos, vans)