This is the basic XBlock framework used to deploy tutors developed using the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools from Carnegie Mellon University.
Cognitive Tutors have been successful in raising students' math test scores in high school and middle-school classrooms, but their development has traditionally required considerable time and expertise. With the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT), creating Cognitive Tutors is both easier for experts and possible for novices in cognitive science. The tools draw on ideas of programming by demonstration, structured editing, and others.
The steps to install all XBlocks can be found on
edX's XBlocks integration page.
Follow the instructions outlined in the Testing
section if you're running
the devstack or scroll down to those outlined under
Deploying your XBlock
if you're not.
Once the XBlock is installed, use Studio to add tutors to a course by
navigating to a unit and clicking on Advanced
and then on
. To change which tutor is deployed, click on Edit
use the text inputs to specify the url to the html interface file and the brd
file. These files need to be hosted on a web server accessable by your users and
use CTAT version 4.1.0 or greater.
There are additional spaces for specifying the size of the
tutor, logging information, and advanced configuration options.