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This repository contains the CNS Dapr Sidecar, written in Node.js and using the Dapr SDK.

When running, the Sidecar connects to a CNS Broker and monitors context and connection changes. Changes are published to the context topic of the cns-pubsub service. The Sidecar also exposes various HTTP endpoints to read and write to the context and its connections.


To install or update the application, you should fetch the latest version from this Git repository. To do that, you may either download and unpack the repo zip file, or clone the repo using:

git clone

Either method should get you a copy of the latest version. It is recommended (but not compulsory) to place the repo in the ~/cns-dapr project directory. Go to the project directory and install Node.js dependancies with:

npm install

Now install the Dapr docker image with:

dapr init

Your application should now be ready to rock.


Once installed, run the application with:

npm run start

To shut down the application, hit ctrl-c.

Environment Variables

The Sidecar uses the following environment variables to configure itself:

Name Description Default
CNS_BROKER CNS Broker service 'padi'
CNS_CONTEXT CNS Broker context Must be set
CNS_TOKEN CNS Broker token Must be set
CNS_DAPR CNS Dapr application 'cns-dapr'
CNS_DAPR_HOST CNS Dapr host 'localhost'
CNS_DAPR_PORT CNS Dapr port '3500'
CNS_PUBSUB CNS Dapr PUBSUB component 'cns-pubsub'
CNS_SERVER_HOST Dapr server host 'localhost'
CNS_SERVER_PORT Dapr server port '3000'

Alternatively, variables can be stored in a .env file in the project directory.

Broker Service

The Sidecar communicates to the CNS Broker via the service specified in CNS_BROKER.

Service Description
padi Padi CNS Broker

Currently, only the Padi CNS Broker is implemented.

Padi CNS Broker

The Padi CNS Broker service uses the following environment variables:

Name Description Default
CNS_PADI_CP Padi Profile server URI ''
CNS_PADI_API Padi API server URI ''
CNS_PADI_MQTT Padi MQTT server URI 'wss://'

Dapr SDK

A Dapr SDK exists that puts a wrapper around the functionality described below and is implemented for various languages.

Object Hierarchy

Invocation Reference

Dapr provides the ability to call other applications that use Dapr with a unique named identifier. The identifier for CNS Dapr is defined in the CNS_DAPR environment variable. The following HTTP endpoint lets you invoke a method on the CNS Dapr application:

GET|POST http://<CNS_DAPR_HOST>:<CNS_DAPR_PORT>/v1.0/invoke/<CNS_DAPR>/method/<path>

Where the HTTP method will:

HTTP Method Description
GET Read data from the endpoint path
POST Write data to the endpoint path

The basic hierarchy of endpoints in CNS Dapr is as follows:

node                         A node in a CNS network, as the CNS service root
↳ contexts                   A list of contexts within the scope of the node
  ↳ <id>                     A specific context referenced by a unique ID
    ↳ capabilities           A list of capabilities supported by the context
      ↳ <name>               A specific capability defined by profile name
        ↳ connections        A list of connections made for the capability
          ↳ <id>             A specific connection referenced by a unique ID
            ↳ properties     A list of properties supplied by the profile

After making a request, Dapr returns one of the following status codes:

Status Description
200 Request succeeded
400 Endpoint not found
403 Invocation forbidden
500 Request failed

All HTTP requests/responses use JSON and the application/json mime type.

A successful request will return:

{"data": { ... }}

If CNS Dapr encounters an error, it will return:

{"error": "<text>"}


The following examples use curl in a terminal window:

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/node/contexts/<id>

Requests full context metadata, capabilities and connections and will output:

{"data": { ... }}

with the full JSON description of the context (See: Context Schema).

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/node/contexts/<id>/comment

Requests a specific context metadata field and will output:

{"data": <value>}

with the current value of the specified field.

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/node/contexts/<id>/garbage

Requests a field that does not exist and outputs:

{"error": "not found"}

since garbage is not a valid field name.

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/node/contexts/<id> \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"comment": "Testing"}'

Issues a post to the comment context metadata field and outputs:

{"data": {"node": {"contexts": {"<context>": {"comment": "Testing"}}}}}

The field should now be set to the string 'Testing'.
Multiple fields may be set at the same time using this method.

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/node/contexts/<id>/capabilities/

Requests all the current connections of the capability and outputs:

{"data": { ... }}

with a map of connection objects (See: Connection Schema).

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/node/contexts/<id>/capabilities/<connid>/properties \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"foo1": 1000, "foo2": 2000}'

Issues a post to the specified <connid> connection properties and outputs:

{"data": { ... }}

The properties foo1 and foo2 will be set accordingly.

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cns-dapr/method/profiles/

Will request the definition for the profile and outputs:

{"data": { ... }}

with the full descriptor for the profile (See: Profile Schema).

Pub/Sub Reference

CNS Dapr publishes to the following topics:

Topic Description
node/contexts/<id> All context metadata and connection changes

Dapr will invoke the following endpoint of an application to discover topic subscriptions:

GET http://localhost:<appPort>/dapr/subscribe

The application should return a JSON block containing the topics it wishes to subscribe to:

    "pubsubname": "cns-pubsub",
    "topic": "node/contexts/<id>",
    "route": "/cns-pubsub--<id>--default"

To deliver topic messages, a HTTP POST will be made to the application at the route specified in the subscribe response. A HTTP 200 status response denotes successful processing of the message.


Node Schema

Includes metadata and context information for a node.

Property Description
version CNS Dapr version
broker CNS Broker in charge of the node
status CNS Broker status information
contexts Contexts of the node


  "data": {
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "broker": "padi",
    "status": {
      "started": "2024-05-31T11:17:09.553Z",
      "reads": 36,
      "writes": 1,
      "updates": 0,
      "errors": 2,
      "connection": "online"
    "contexts": {
      "IcE3x5xwsyP64GoLEZfZ": { ... }

Context Schema

Includes metadata and capability information for a context.

Property Description
name Name of the context
title Title of the context
comment Comment of the context
capabilities Capabilities of the context


  "data": {
    "name": "Example Context",
    "title": "An example context",
    "comment": "This is only an example",
    "capabilities": {
      "": { ... }

Capability Schema

Includes profile and connection information for a capability.

Property Description
scope Broker specific property
required Broker specific property
properties Connection property defaults
connections Connections made by the broker


  "data": {
    "scope": "children",
    "required": false,
    "properties": {
      "far1": "321",
      "far2": "123"
    "connections": {
      "ubcMmlEklEH45puTCpMa": { ... }

Connection Schema

Includes metadata and properties for a connection

Property Description
provider Provider name of the connection
consumer Consumer name of the connection
status Status of the connection
properties Properties of the connection


  "data": {
    "provider": "Server 1",
    "consumer": "Client 1",
    "status": "new",
    "properties": {
      "foo1": "666",
      "foo2": "999"

Profile Schema

Includes metadata and property information for a profile.

Property Description
title Title of the profile
comment Comment of the profile
properties Properties of the profile

The properties object contains an entry defining each property:

Property Description
comment Comment of the property
required Required flag
propagate Propagate flag


  "data": {
    "title": "Simple demo Connection Profile",
    "comment": "Used to explain CNS/CP",
    "properties": {
      "foo1": {
        "comment": "Foo 1 property",
        "required": true,
        "propagate": true
      "foo2": {
        "comment": "Foo 2 property",
        "required": true,
        "propagate": true
      "far1": {
        "comment": "Far 1 property",
        "required": true,
        "propagate": true
      "far2": {
        "comment": "Far 2 property",
        "required": true,
        "propagate": true




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