Official CNSP Website
The previous closed source website has been replaced with an open source version and the code for the same is present above. Because the website development and migration was handled by one person only, you might find quite a lot of errors. It is expected they will be resolved very soon.
We welcome contributions and feedback on our website! Please file a request in our issue tracker and we'll take a look.
For simple changes (such as to CSS and text), you probably don't need to build this site. Often you can make changes using the GitHub UI.
If you want/need to build, read on.
Install the following tools if you don't have them already.
- Node.js, a JavaScript runtime.
- npm, a JavaScript package manager.
- Express, Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
- Mongoose, elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js.
- MongoDB, MongoDB is a document database.
- EJS, a simple templating language.
To clone this repo, follow the instructions given in the GitHub help on Cloning a repository, and choose one of the following submodule-cloning techniques:
Open a bash terminal/command window and execute the following commands:
cd _<path-to-this-repo>_
# change to root of this reponpm i express mongoose ejs
# initialize environment variables; install/use required Node & Ruby version
Delete lines 5 to 41 in server.js
Run npm start
In order to contribute to the project, you must have the knowledge of EJS, HTML, CSS, and JS. Follow these steps:
- Create a branch.
- Make your changes.
- Do the work, write good commit messages.
- Push to your origin repository.
- Create a new PR in GitHub.
- Respond to any code review feedback.
Certain parts of the server side code and the website have been redacted for security purposes.