Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning framework for modeling and simulating the collective route choices of humans and autonomous vehicles.
RouteRL is a novel framework that integrates Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) with a microscopic traffic simulation, SUMO, facilitating the testing and development of efficient route choice strategies. The proposed framework simulates the daily route choices of driver agents in a city, including two types:
- human drivers, emulated using discrete choice models,
- and AVs, modeled as MARL agents optimizing their policies for a predefined objective.
RouteRL aims to advance research in MARL, traffic assignment problems, social reinforcement learning (RL), and human-AI interaction for transportation applications.
For overview see the paper and for more details, check the documentation online.
The following is a simplified code of a possible standard MARL algorithm implementation via TorchRL.
env = TrafficEnvironment(seed=42, **env_params) # initialize the traffic environment
env.start() # start the connection with SUMO
for episode in range(human_learning_episodes): # human learning
env.mutation() # some human agents transition to AV agents
collector = SyncDataCollector(env, policy, ...) # collects experience by running the policy in the environment (TorchRL)
# training of the autonomous vehicles; human agents follow fixed decisions learned in their learning phase
for tensordict_data in collector:
# update the policies of the learning agents
for _ in range(num_epochs):
subdata = replay_buffer.sample()
loss_vals = loss_module(subdata)
policy.eval() # set the policy into evaluation mode
# testing phase using the already trained policy
num_episodes = 100
for episode in range(num_episodes):
env.rollout(len(env.machine_agents), policy=policy)
env.plot_results() # plot the results
env.stop_simulation() # stop the connection with SUMO
- Prerequisite: Make sure you have SUMO installed in your system. This procedure should be carried out separately, by following the instructions provided here.
- Option 1: Install the latest stable version from PyPI:
pip install routerl
- Option 2: Clone this repository for latest version, and manually install its dependencies:
git clone cd RouteRL pip install -r requirements.txt
We have an experiment script encapsulated in a CodeOcean capsule. This capsule allows demonstrating RouteRL's capabilities without the need for SUMO installation or dependency management.
- Visit the capsule link.
- Create a free CodeOcean account (if you don’t have one).
- Click Reproducible Run to execute the code in a controlled and reproducible environment.
is part of COeXISTENCE (ERC Starting Grant, grant agreement No 101075838) and is a team work at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland by: Ahmet Onur Akman and Anastasia Psarou (main contributors) supported by Grzegorz Jamroz, Zoltán Varga, Łukasz Gorczyca, Michał Hoffman and others, within the research group of Rafał Kucharski.