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Setup Dev Environment

Cameron Taylor edited this page Nov 19, 2017 · 8 revisions


Feel free to use whatever tools you'd like as long as they can meet these requirements. A suggested toolset and setup guide are provided below.


Software Version Installation Description
NodeJS >= 8.0.0 choose your environment or package manager NodeJS is the javascript runtime that we will be using since it has support for client and server code. Check by running node --version
npm >= 5.0.0 pre-installed with NodeJS npm is a package manager that we will use (kinda like maven from Java or pip from Python). Check by running npm --version. You can learn more on the npm documentation
MySQL >= 5.7.0 Download and install the community server Having MySQL installed locally will allow code to be tested without using AWS
SASS >= 3.5.0 sudo gem install sass (if this fails, check to make sure you have ruby installed) Compiles into CSS, and give a TON more useful functionality.


Make sure you're running on a UNIX based system (not windows).

Add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (whichever you use). This is optional, but will make many developer operations more flexible.

# Allow executing binaries installed as npm dependencies
export PATH

If you are using fish instead of bash, please run this command instead of adding to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.

set PATH $PATH ./node_modules/.bin

Setup Guide

  1. Download VSCode.

    VSCode is a great text editor with excellent support for typescript due to its incredible autocompletion with intellisense. VSCode can be downloaded here.

  2. Install VSCode Extensions

    Search the extension names in VSCode's extension panel and they should come up.

    • TSLint: show linter errors in the editor
  3. Clone the repository.

    WARNING: Before you clone make sure that your directory path does not contain spaces

    Run git clone This will download all of the source code onto your machine.

  4. Make sure MySQL server is running.

    On Mac: Go to System Preferences > MySQL and click "Start MySQL Server" if it is not already started.

  5. Run the bootstrap script.

    cd into the repository and run the script in the scripts folder. This will automatically install the dependencies and build all of the modules.

    cd LilBobbyTables-MyCRT