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chore: Add HLint CI action and apply lints
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croyzor committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent c699cda commit 326b0c9
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Showing 33 changed files with 315 additions and 223 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/hlint.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: Brat CI
pull_request: []

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: 'Setup HLint'
uses: haskell-actions/hlint-setup@v2

- name: 'Run HLint'
uses: haskell-actions/hlint-run@v2
path: brat/
hlint-bin: hlint --hint=brat/.hlint.yaml
fail-on: warning
85 changes: 83 additions & 2 deletions brat/.hlint.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,83 @@
- ignore: {name: Use <$>}
- ignore: {name: Use second}
# HLint configuration file

# This file contains a template configuration file, which is typically
# placed as .hlint.yaml in the root of your project

# Specify additional command line arguments
# - arguments: [--color, --cpp-simple, -XQuasiQuotes]

# Control which extensions/flags/modules/functions can be used
# - extensions:
# - default: false # all extension are banned by default
# - name: [PatternGuards, ViewPatterns] # only these listed extensions can be used
# - {name: CPP, within: CrossPlatform} # CPP can only be used in a given module
# - flags:
# - {name: -w, within: []} # -w is allowed nowhere
# - modules:
# - {name: [Data.Set, Data.HashSet], as: Set} # if you import Data.Set qualified, it must be as 'Set'
# - {name: Control.Arrow, within: []} # Certain modules are banned entirely
# - functions:
# - {name: unsafePerformIO, within: []} # unsafePerformIO can only appear in no modules

# Add custom hints for this project
# Will suggest replacing "wibbleMany [myvar]" with "wibbleOne myvar"
# - error: {lhs: "wibbleMany [x]", rhs: wibbleOne x}

# The hints are named by the string they display in warning messages.
# For example, if you see a warning starting like
# Main.hs:116:51: Warning: Redundant ==
# You can refer to that hint with `{name: Redundant ==}` (see below).

# Turn on hints that are off by default
# Ban "module X(module X) where", to require a real export list
# - warn: {name: Use explicit module export list}
# Replace a $ b $ c with a . b $ c
# - group: {name: dollar, enabled: true}
# Generalise map to fmap, ++ to <>
# - group: {name: generalise, enabled: true}
# Warn on use of partial functions
# - group: {name: partial, enabled: true}

# Ignore some builtin hints
# - ignore: {name: Use let}
# - ignore: {name: Use const, within: SpecialModule} # Only within certain modules
- ignore: {name: Use const}
- ignore: {name: Use section}
- ignore: {name: Use void}
- ignore: {name: Use list comprehension}
- ignore: {name: Use newtype instead of data}
- ignore: {name: Fuse foldr/<$>}
- ignore: {name: Redundant bracket, within: Brat.Syntax.Value}
- ignore: {name: Avoid NonEmpty.unzip} # Buggy - false positives

# Define some custom infix operators
# - fixity: infixr 3 ~^#^~
- fixity: infixl 7 :<<
- fixity: infixr 8 <<+
- fixity: infixl 7 :<<
- fixity: infixr 8 <<+
- fixity: infixr 3 **^
- fixity: infixr 3 ^**

# To generate a suitable file for HLint do:
# $ hlint --default > .hlint.yaml
62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions brat/Brat/Checker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ module Brat.Checker (checkBody
) where

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, zipWithM_)
import Control.Monad.Freer
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Functor (($>), (<&>))
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
import Prelude hiding (filter)

Expand All @@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ import Brat.Syntax.Value
import Brat.UserName
import Bwd
import Hasochism
import Util (zip_same_length)
import Util (zipSameLength)

-- Put things into a standard form in a kind-directed manner, such that it is
-- meaningful to do case analysis on them
standardise :: TypeKind -> Val Z -> Checking (Val Z)
standardise k val = eval S0 val <&> (k,) >>= \case
standardise k val = eval S0 val >>= (\case
(Nat, val) -> pure . VNum $ numVal val
(_, val) -> pure val
(_, val) -> pure val) . (k,)

mergeEnvs :: [Env a] -> Checking (Env a)
mergeEnvs = foldM combineDisjointEnvs M.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ check' (Lambda c@(WC abstFC abst, body) cs) (overs, unders) = do
(_, [], fakeOvers, fakeAcc) <- anext "lambda_fake_source" Hypo (S0, Some (Zy :* S0)) R0 ins
-- Hypo `check` calls need an environment, even just to compute leftovers;
-- we get that env by solving `problem` reformulated in terms of the `fakeOvers`
let srcMap = fromJust $ zip_same_length (fst <$> usedOvers) (fst <$> fakeOvers)
let srcMap = fromJust $ zipSameLength (fst <$> usedOvers) (fst <$> fakeOvers)
let fakeProblem = [ (fromJust (lookup src srcMap), pat) | (src, pat) <- problem ]
fakeEnv <- localFC abstFC $ solve ?my fakeProblem >>= (solToEnv . snd)
localEnv fakeEnv $ do
(_, fakeUnders, [], _) <- anext "lambda_fake_target" Hypo fakeAcc outs R0
Just tgtMap <- pure $ zip_same_length (fst <$> fakeUnders) unders
Just tgtMap <- pure $ zipSameLength (fst <$> fakeUnders) unders
(((), ()), ((), rightFakeUnders)) <- check body ((), fakeUnders)
pure (fakeUnders, rightFakeUnders, tgtMap)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ check' (Lambda c@(WC abstFC abst, body) cs) (overs, unders) = do

retuple (NamedPort e p, ty) = (p, e, ty)

mkWires overs unders = case zip_same_length overs unders of
mkWires overs unders = case zipSameLength overs unders of
Nothing -> err $ InternalError "Trying to wire up different sized lists of wires"
Just conns -> traverse (\((src, ty), (tgt, _)) -> wire (src, binderToValue ?my ty, tgt)) conns

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ check' (VHole (mnemonic, name)) connectors = do
pure (((), ()), ([], []))
-- TODO: Better error message
check' tm@(Con _ _) ((), []) = typeErr $ "No type to check " ++ show tm ++ " against"
check' tm@(Con vcon vargs) ((), ((hungry, ty):unders)) = case (?my, ty) of
check' tm@(Con vcon vargs) ((), (hungry, ty):unders) = case (?my, ty) of
(Braty, Left k) -> do
(_, leftOvers) <- kindCheck [(hungry, k)] (Con vcon vargs)
ensureEmpty "kindCheck leftovers" leftOvers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,13 +464,13 @@ check' tm@(Con vcon vargs) ((), ((hungry, ty):unders)) = case (?my, ty) of
ensureEmpty "con unders" leftUnders
wire (dangling, ty, hungry)

check' (C cty) ((), ((hungry, ty):unders)) = case (?my, ty) of
check' (C cty) ((), (hungry, ty):unders) = case (?my, ty) of
(Braty, Left k) -> do
(_, leftOvers) <- kindCheck [(hungry, k)] (C cty)
ensureEmpty "kindCheck leftovers" leftOvers
pure (((), ()), ((), unders))
_ -> typeErr $ "Ill-kinded function type: " ++ show cty
check' (Simple tm) ((), ((hungry, ty):unders)) = do
check' (Simple tm) ((), (hungry, ty):unders) = do
ty <- evalBinder ?my ty
case (?my, ty, tm) of
-- The only SimpleType that checks against a kind is a Nat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,12 +509,12 @@ check' FanOut ((p, ty):overs, ()) = do
fanoutNodes my n (dangling, ty) elTy = do
(_, [(hungry, _)], [danglingHead, danglingTail], _) <- anext "fanoutNodes" (Selector (plain "cons")) (S0, Some (Zy :* S0))
(RPr ("value", binderToValue my ty) R0)
((RPr ("head", elTy) (RPr ("tail", TVec elTy (VNum (nConstant (n - 1)))) R0)) :: Ro m Z Z)
(RPr ("head", elTy) (RPr ("tail", TVec elTy (VNum (nConstant (n - 1)))) R0) :: Ro m Z Z)
-- Wire the input into the selector node
wire (dangling, binderToValue my ty, hungry)
(danglingHead:) <$> fanoutNodes my (n - 1) danglingTail elTy

check' FanIn (overs, ((tgt, ty):unders)) = do
check' FanIn (overs, (tgt, ty):unders) = do
ty <- eval S0 (binderToValue ?my ty)
case ty of
TVec elTy n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,14 +548,14 @@ check' FanIn (overs, ((tgt, ty):unders)) = do
typeEq (show FanIn) k elTy (binderToValue my overTy)
let tailTy = TVec elTy (VNum (nConstant (n - 1)))
(_, [(hungryHead, _), (hungryTail, tailTy)], [(danglingResult, _)], _) <- anext "faninNodes" (Constructor (plain "cons")) (S0, Some (Zy :* S0))
((RPr ("head", elTy) (RPr ("tail", tailTy) R0)) :: Ro m Z Z)
(RPr ("head", elTy) (RPr ("tail", tailTy) R0) :: Ro m Z Z)
(RPr ("value", binderToValue my ty) R0)
wire (over, elTy, hungryHead)
wire (danglingResult, binderToValue ?my ty, hungry)
faninNodes my (n - 1) (hungryTail, tailTy) elTy overs
check' Identity ((this:leftovers), ()) = pure (((), [this]), (leftovers, ()))
check' Identity (this:leftovers, ()) = pure (((), [this]), (leftovers, ()))
check' (Of n e) ((), unders) = case ?my of
Kerny -> typeErr $ "`of` not supported in kernel contexts"
Kerny -> typeErr "`of` not supported in kernel contexts"
Braty -> do
-- TODO: Our expectations about Id nodes in compilation might need updated?
(_, [(natUnder,Left k)], [(natOver, _)], _) <- anext "Of_len" Id (S0, Some (Zy :* S0))
Expand All @@ -578,21 +578,21 @@ check' (Of n e) ((), unders) = case ?my of
(repConns, tgtMap) <- mkReplicateNodes n elemUnders
let (lenIns, repUnders, repOvers) = unzip3 repConns
-- Wire the length into all the replicate nodes
for lenIns $ \(tgt, _) -> do
for_ lenIns $ \(tgt, _) -> do
wire (natOver, kindType Nat, tgt)
defineTgt tgt n
(((), ()), ((), elemRightUnders)) <- check e ((), repUnders)
-- If `elemRightUnders` isn't empty, it means we were too greedy
-- in the call to getVecs, so we should work out which elements of
-- the original unders weren't used, and make sure they prefix the
-- unders returned from here.
let unusedVecTgts :: [Tgt] = (fromJust . flip lookup tgtMap . fst) <$> elemRightUnders
let unusedVecTgts :: [Tgt] = fromJust . flip lookup tgtMap . fst <$> elemRightUnders
let (usedVecUnders, unusedVecUnders) = splitAt (length vecUnders - length unusedVecTgts) vecUnders
-- Wire up the outputs of the replicate nodes to the _used_ vec
-- unders. The remainder of the replicate nodes don't get used.
-- (their inputs live in `elemRightUnders`)
assert (length repOvers >= length usedVecUnders) $ do
zipWithM (\(dangling, _) (hungry, ty) -> wire (dangling, ty, hungry)) repOvers usedVecUnders
zipWithM_ (\(dangling, _) (hungry, ty) -> wire (dangling, ty, hungry)) repOvers usedVecUnders
pure (((), ()), ((), (second Right <$> unusedVecUnders) ++ rightUnders))

_ -> localFC (fcOf e) $ typeErr "No type dependency allowed when using `of`"
Expand All @@ -606,10 +606,10 @@ check' (Of n e) ((), unders) = case ?my of
outputs <- getVals outputs
(conns, _) <- mkReplicateNodes n outputs
let (lenIns, elemIns, vecOuts) = unzip3 conns
for lenIns $ \(tgt,_) -> do
for_ lenIns $ \(tgt,_) -> do
wire (natOver, kindType Nat, tgt)
defineTgt tgt n
zipWithM (\(dangling, ty) (hungry, _) -> wire (dangling, ty, hungry)) outputs elemIns
zipWithM_ (\(dangling, ty) (hungry, _) -> wire (dangling, ty, hungry)) outputs elemIns
pure (((), vecOuts), ((), ()))
_ -> localFC (fcOf e) $ typeErr "No type dependency allowed when using `of`"
Expand All @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ check' (Of n e) ((), unders) = case ?my of
(REx ("n", Nat) (RPr ("elem", weakTy) R0)) -- the type of e
(RPr ("vec", TVec weakTy (VApp (VInx VZ) B0)) R0) -- a vector of e's of length n??
(conns, tgtMap) <- mkReplicateNodes len unders
pure ((lenUnder, repUnder, repOver):conns, ((fst repUnder), t):tgtMap)
pure ((lenUnder, repUnder, repOver):conns, (fst repUnder, t):tgtMap)

getVecs :: Val Z -- The length of vectors we're looking for
-> [(Tgt, BinderType Brat)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ checkBody fnName body cty = case body of
((box, _), _) <- makeBox (fnName ++ ".box") cty $ \conns -> do
let tm = Lambda c cs
(((), ()), leftovers) <- check (WC fc tm) conns
checkConnectorsUsed (fcOf (fst c), fcOf (snd c)) (show tm) conns leftovers
checkConnectorsUsed (bimap fcOf fcOf c) (show tm) conns leftovers
pure box
Undefined -> err (InternalError "Checking undefined clause")
Expand All @@ -737,15 +737,15 @@ checkBody fnName body cty = case body of
mkArgRo :: Modey m -> Stack Z End bot -> [(NamedPort End, BinderType m)] -> Checking (Some (Stack Z End :* Ro m bot))
mkArgRo _ ez [] = pure $ Some (ez :* R0)
mkArgRo Braty ez ((p, Left k):rest) = mkArgRo Braty (ez :<< end p) rest >>= \case
Some (ez' :* ro) -> pure $ Some $ ez' :* (REx (portName p, k) ro)
Some (ez' :* ro) -> pure $ Some $ ez' :* REx (portName p, k) ro
mkArgRo Braty ez ((p, Right t):rest) = mkArgRo Braty ez rest >>= \case
Some (ez' :* ro) -> do
t <- standardise (TypeFor Brat []) t
pure $ Some $ ez' :* (RPr (portName p, abstractEndz ez t) ro)
pure $ Some $ ez' :* RPr (portName p, abstractEndz ez t) ro
mkArgRo Kerny ez ((p, t):rest) = mkArgRo Kerny ez rest >>= \case
Some (ez' :* ro) -> do
t <- standardise (TypeFor Brat []) t
pure $ Some $ ez' :* (RPr (portName p, abstractEndz ez t) ro)
pure $ Some $ ez' :* RPr (portName p, abstractEndz ez t) ro

mkKindRo :: [(PortName, TypeKind)] -> Some (Ro Brat bot)
mkKindRo [] = Some R0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ kindCheck ((hungry, k@(TypeFor m [])):unders) (Con c arg) = req (TLup (m, c)) >>
-- va = endVal of (end kindOut), so not as useful as
-- the thing we *do* define kindOut as

(_, argUnders, [(kindOut,_)], ((_ :<< _va), _)) <-
(_, argUnders, [(kindOut,_)], (_ :<< _va, _)) <-
next "" Hypo (S0, Some (Zy :* S0)) aliasArgs (REx ("type",Star []) R0)
-- arg is a juxtaposition
(args, emptyUnders) <- kindCheck (second (\(Left k) -> k) <$> argUnders) (unWC arg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ kindCheckRow' Braty (ny :* s) env (name,i) ((p, Left k):rest) = do -- s is Stack
env <- pure $ M.insert (plain p) [(NamedPort dangling p, Left k)] env
(i, env, ser) <- kindCheckRow' Braty (Sy ny :* (s :<< ExEnd dangling)) env (name, i) rest
case ser of
Some (s_m :* ro) -> pure (i, env, Some (s_m :* (REx (p,k) ro)))
Some (s_m :* ro) -> pure (i, env, Some (s_m :* REx (p,k) ro))
kindCheckRow' my ez@(ny :* s) env (name, i) ((p, bty):rest) = case (my, bty) of
(Braty, Right ty) -> helper ty (Star [])
(Kerny, ty) -> helper ty (Dollar [])
Expand All @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ kindCheckRow' my ez@(ny :* s) env (name, i) ((p, bty):rest) = case (my, bty) of
v <- pure $ changeVar (ParToInx (AddZ ny) s) v
(i, env, ser) <- kindCheckRow' my ez env (name, i+1) rest
case ser of
Some (s_m :* ro) -> pure (i, env, Some (s_m :* (RPr (p, v) ro)))
Some (s_m :* ro) -> pure (i, env, Some (s_m :* RPr (p, v) ro))

-- Look for vectors to produce better error messages for mismatched lengths
-- in terms or patterns.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ abstractPattern Braty (dangling, Left k) pat = abstractKind k pat
abstractKind :: TypeKind -> Pattern -> Checking (Env (EnvData Brat))
abstractKind _ (Bind x) = let ?my = Braty in singletonEnv x (dangling, Left k)
abstractKind _ (DontCare) = pure emptyEnv
abstractKind _ DontCare = pure emptyEnv
abstractKind k (Lit x) = case (k, x) of
(Nat, Num n) -> defineSrc dangling (VNum (nConstant (fromIntegral n))) $> emptyEnv
(Star _, _) -> err MatchingOnTypes
Expand Down

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