Directory structure of the WorkflowSim Toolkit
Software requirements: Java version 1.6 or newer
Installation and running the WorkflowSim Toolkit
Directory structure of the WorkflowSim Toolkit
workflowsim/ -- top level WorkflowSim directory docs/ -- WorkflowSim API Documentation examples/ -- WorkflowSim examples lib/ -- WorkflowSim jar archives sources/ -- WorkflowSim source code
- Software requirements: Java version 1.6 or newer
WorkflowSim has been tested and ran on Sun's Java version 1.8.0 or newer. If you have non-Sun Java version, such as gcj or J++, they may not be compatible. You can use Eclipse, NetBeans, or Ant to compile and run WorkflowSim
- Installation and running the WorkflowSim Toolkit
WorkflowSim is a workflow simulator to support large-scale scheduling, clustering and provisioning studies. It is developed by Weiwei Chen, a Phd student from University of Southern California under the Apache License version 2.0. WorkflowSim is not yet fully completed and we welcome your contribution to this project.
This page introduces the basic features of WorkflowSim and how to install and run it with Eclipse or NetBeans.
( It is suggested to use WorkflowSim if you are going to contribute back to this project, otherwise it is not required. )
1.1 Register a GitHub account and fork your own branch
Go to the repository page (https://github.com/WorkflowSim/WorkflowSim-1.0) and click 'Fork' on the top-right corner next to 'Star'. Then you will have your own branch of WorkflowSim and you can maintain your codes under this branch and commit your changes to it. In this example, we use 'chenww05' as an example and you will see a new repo called chenww05/WorkflowSim-1.0. Go to your repo, and copy the path. In this case, it is "https://github.com/chenww05/WorkflowSim-1.0.git".
1.2 Install EGit
Open your Eclipse, go to 'Help'->'Install New Software', in 'Work with', choose '--All Available Sites', make sure you have EGit listed, otherwise click the item and install it.
1.3 Check out your source codes
First, create a new java project called 'WorkflowSim' (it doesn't have to be 'WorkflowSim'). Right click your project, choose 'Import'. Click 'Git'->'Projects from Git'. Set the URL to be "https://github.com/chenww05/WorkflowSim-1.0.git". And then you will see a branch called 'master', tick it and continue. And you don't need import projects again so just cancel.
1.4 Import Source Files and Libraries
Right click the project again and choose 'Properties'. Go to 'Java Build Path'. Link two source directories (your_repo_root/examples, your_repo_root/sources)to the source folders. Add two external JARs (your_repo_root/lib/flanagan.jar and your_repo_root/lib/jdom-2.0.0.jar) to the Libraries.
1.5 Run an Example
Run an example i.e., org.workflowsim.examples.WorkflowSimBasicExample1.java. Open WorkflowSimBasicExample1.java, replace the
String daxPath = "/Users/chenweiwei/Work/WorkflowSim-1.0/src/main/resources/config/dax/Montage_100.xml";
with your real physical file path. Right click on WorkflowSimBasicExample1.java and choose 'Run File'. You should be able to see some output:
98 SUCCESS 2 0 6.91 263.78 270.69 8 99 SUCCESS 2 0 0.83 270.69 271.52 9
2.1 Register a GitHub account and fork your own branch
It is the same to 1.1.
2.2 Install Git
Go to 'Teams'->'Available Plugins'. Search for 'Git' and install it.
2.3 Check out your source codes
First, create a new java project with Existing Sources called 'WorkflowSim' (it doesn't have to be 'WorkflowSim'). Right click this project and choose 'Set as Main Project' for convenience. Right click this project again and choose 'Versioning'->'Initialize Git Repository'. You don't need to change the root path, just click 'OK'.
Right click the project and choose 'Git'->'Remote'->'Pull', set the 'Repository URL' to be 'https://github.com/chenww05/WorkflowSim-1.0.git' and the 'Remote name' to be 'master'. Click 'OK' and you will see a branch called 'master', tick it and continue.
2.4 Import Source Files and Libraries
After a while the download is down, right click the project again and choose 'Project Properties'. Go to 'Sources', click 'Add Folder' and choose two folders (your_repo_root/examples and your_repo_root/sources). Go to 'Libraries', add all jars (your_repo_root/lib/*.jar).
2.5 Run an Example
The same to 1.5.
( If you don't want to contribute back to WorkflowSim with your codes, you can use WorkflowSim without GitHub. )
3.1 Download Source Files.
Skip 1.1 and 1.2. Different to 1.3, we download source files directly from https://github.com/WorkflowSim/WorkflowSim-1.0/archive/master.zip and unzip it to your_repo_root.
3.2 Switch to 1.4 and continue with the rest steps (1.5).
4.1 Download Source Files
The same to 3.1.
4.2 Switch to 2.4 and continue with the rest steps (2.5).
This page is written by Weiwei Chen @chenww05. For details or bug reports, please contact the author.
Please send an email to [email protected]. We appreciate your contribution to this project and please go to github to submit your bug report.
Many of the questions may have been answered in our wiki pages: https://github.com/WorkflowSim/WorkflowSim-1.0/wiki/_pages
WorkflowSim Announce Message about new release or updates [email protected]
WorkflowSim Users Messages about WorkflowSim related questions/reports [email protected]
WorkflowSim Developers Messages about WorkflowSim development [email protected]