Description of the tasks:
JSON API Exercise 1
Write a Python script that:
- Sends a GET request to
- Parses the JSON response
- Prints a list of dictionaries containing:
o Each author’s name in a “name” key
o The number of books they have written in a “book_count” key
JSON API Exercise 2
Write a Python script that:
- Pages through the endpoint below
- Extends an author_list variable with each page of author data
- Stops paging when either:
o There are no more authors
o 15 pages have been processed
- Tells the user which condition above stopped the loop
- Prints the author_list variable
Starting endpoint:
page[size]=10&page[number]=1JSON API Exercise 3
Write a Python function that:
- Accepts an author_id parameter
- Sends a GET request to{au-
- Parses the JSON response
- Returns a single dictionary containing:
o The author name in a “name” key
o The number of books they have written in a “book_count” key
Raises a meaningful exception if the author_id is not found
For bonus points, write a unit test to prove that your function raises the expected exception
if author_id is not found. You will need to mock the API response to achieve this.
JSON API Exercise 3
Write a Python function that:
- Accepts an author_id parameter
- Sends a GET request to{au-
- Parses the JSON response
- Returns a single dictionary containing:
o The author name in a “name” key
o The number of books they have written in a “book_count” key
Raises a meaningful exception if the author_id is not found
I'm using v_env, to initialise: Install pip first, then: To create v_env: python3 -m venv my_env
activate v_env:
source myvenv/bin/activate
For testing I'm using pytest, to install: pip install -U pytest see docs:
For the response test I'm using: pip install responses
For testing I cd to script to test, example: cd script_1 and then python -m pytest
I'm solving Exercise 3 in script_1 alongside with the Exercise 1, mocking the request as expected and raising a meaningful exception