This is a web 3.0 application that allow user to create / Buy / Sell NFT
First, go to nft-marketplace folder:
cd nft-marketplace
Then, install dependencies:
For running the test: (if you download from git, you should run the test for generating some files first)
npx hardhat test
For running the React application:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
├── Comp3334 # Subgraph abi setting folder, not important
├── nft-marketplace # Main folder contain all source code
│ ├── test # folder contain the hardhat test case code
│ ├── src # folder contain React source code
│ ├── contracts # folder contain the NFTMarket.sol code
│ ├── .env # environment variable, including the private key of the contract owner
│ └── ...
└── ...