- Install Anaconda
- Click Environment > Create > tick Python 3.10.4
Activate environment ("COMP4442" is your environment name)
conda activate COMP4442
Check Python version
Python -V
Check package lists
pip list
Generate requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
install package from requirements.txt in conda
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
Run: ("COMP4442" is your environment name)
conda activate COMP4442
cd FlaskApp
python main.py
Folder structure
├── data-after-spark # data after running the AWS EMR
├── DB # Folder for code related to DB/Spark
│ ├── connection.py # code of connecting to DB
│ ├── initDB.sql # query to create database and table
│ ├── Spark_aws_EMR.py # Spark code on AWS EMR
│ ├── spark_colab.ipynb # Spark code on Google Colab (for testing,debug etc)
│ ├── gen_data_for_monitor.py # generate data and insert to monitor table
│ ├── readData.py # upload given speed data to DB
│ └── upload_data_to_DB.py # read the csv in data-after-spark and upload to DB
├── detail-record # original data set
├── FlaskApp # Folder for Flask app code
│ ├── website # website source code
│ │ ├── static # All css/js/images put here
│ │ ├── templates # All html files put here
│ │ ├── __init__.py # Flask init code
│ │ └── views.py # code for define URL route
│ └── application.py # main.py
├── website.zip # zip file used to upload to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
├── Demo Video.mp4 # Demo video
├── Report.pdf # Report document
└── ...
Data Summary:
Summary Chart:
Real Time Monitor:
Real Time Monitor with Error Message: