This plug-in is a package of [kafka-node] ( It is an egg-style plug-in for easy use in the environment of egg.js. It also provides a detailed configuration of methods for sending Kafka messages. Refer to [] (
$ npm i egg-kafka-node --save
// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.kafkaNode = {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-kafka-node',
// {app_root}/config/config.default.js
exports.kafkaNode = {
kafkaHost: '', // kafka connect host
clientOption: {}, // KafkaClient option, more documentation please visit kafka-node
consumerOption: [{
groupId: 'group1', // consumerGroup's groupId
topics: [ 'testTopic1' ], // topics under the same consumer group
options: {
fetchMaxWaitMs: 100,
fetchMinBytes: 1,
fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 1024,
}, // relevant configuration for each consumer group, more documentation please visit kafka-node
}, {
groupId: 'group2',
topics: [ 'testTopic2' ],
options: {},
}, {
groupId: 'group3',
topics: [ 'testTopic3' ],
// HighLevelProducer option, more documentation please visit kafka-node
producerOption: {
requireAcks: 1,
ackTimeoutMs: 100,
partitionerType: 2,
autoCreateTopic: true, // Whether to turn on automatic topic creation. default true
topics: [ 'testTopic1', 'testTopic2', 'testTopic3' ], // Topics that all consumers need to consume
messageOption: {
partition: 0,
attributes: 0, // send message option
see config/config.default.js for more detail.
├── package.json
├── app.js (optional)
├── app
| ├── router.js
│ ├── controller
│ | └── home.js
│ ├── service (optional)
│ | └── user.js
│ | └── response_time.js
│ └── kafka (optional) --------> like `controller, service...`
│ ├── someTopic (optional) -------> topic name of kafka
│ ├── someKey1Consumer.js(optional) ------> `someKey1` is a key of someTopic
| └── someKey2Consumer.js(optional) ------> `someKey2` is an another key of someTopic
├── config
| ├── plugin.js
| ├── config.default.js
│ ├──
| ├── config.test.js (optional)
| ├── config.local.js (optional)
| └── config.unittest.js (optional)
Note: The producer option topics of the kafkaNode configuration must create a corresponding topic directory under the {app-root}/kafka directory. Kafka-node automatically reads the file containing the'Consumers'filename under the topic, and the key needs to be passed in when sendMessage to facilitate business differentiation.
Note: You must set app.config.baseDir, kafka need to load consumers base on the baseDir.
Note: SendMessage messages max bytes depending on the configuration of you set.
// {app_root}/controller/index.js
class IndexController extends Controller {
async index() {
await this.ctx.kafka.sendMessage({
topic: 'someTopic', // Specify topics in the Kafka directory
key: 'someKey', // Specify consumer for the corresponding key under topic
messages: JSON.stringify({
username: 'JohnApache',
userId: 10001,
gender: 0
async some() {
topic: 'someTopic', // Specify topics in the Kafka directory
key: 'someKey', // Specify consumer for the corresponding key under topic
messages: JSON.stringify({
username: 'JohnApache',
userId: 10001,
gender: 0
}, () => {
// success callback
}, () => {
// error callback
// {app_root}/kafka/someTopic/someKeyConsumer.js
class SomeKeySubscription extends Subscription {
async subscribe(message) {
const {value, topic, key} = message;`consume message ${value} by topic ${topic} key ${key} consumer`);
await asyncTask();
Please open an issue here.