v. 1.0.0
Collection of ado-files to help with multiple imputations in Stata.
prepares an estimation command defined for use with prefix mi estimate.
combines estimates over multiple imputations.
Either using Rubin's rule on a point and variance estimate,
the D2 procedure on a chi-squared (or F) statistic,
or the median P rule on a p-value.
In order to install stataMI
from github the github-package is required:
net install github, from("https://haghish.github.io/github/")
You can then install the development version of stataMI
github install CTU-Bern/stataMI
# load example dataset
webuse mheart1s20
# mie
mi estimate, cmdok: mie, testsyntax(regress bmi attack) pe(r(table)[1,1]) ve(r(table)[2,1]^2)
# mig
mig, testsyntax(regress bmi attack) pe(r(table)[1,1]) ve(r(table)[2,1]^2) dfm(small) dfr(e(df_r))
Lukas Bütikofer
CTU Bern
[email protected]