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Center-specific notebook logic, mostly with MDC data


This uses the poetry tool.

Install Poetry

In my environment I run entirely "path-less", with a number of scripts for each version of Python (e.g python39.cmd, python310.cmd). After each of those scripts is run, I install poetry in each, and proceed from there. Your experience may/will vary.

pip install poetry

To work in notebooks

poetry run jupyter notebook

To run a notebook on the command line

Note, the _output folder must already exist.

# from the source folder
cd smartsheet-notebooks

poetry run papermill --no-report-mode --log-output "smartsheet Set Task Integration Status.ipynb" "_output\smartsheet Set Task Integration Status.ipynb" 

Secrets and keys

Keys for MDC and SS are kept in files called .env-<environment>, where environment is a parameter passed into the notebook. For example, the environment variable file for dev is .env-dev. These files are located in the same folder as the notebooks.

Example .env file


Cleaning and Linting with Dagger

Development may be assisted using Dagger and related files within this repo. Use the following steps to get started:

  1. Install Dagger
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory of this source.
  3. Use dagger project update to populate dependencies.
  4. Use the following to clean, lint, or test with Dagger:
    • Clean: dagger do clean (perform various auto-formatting on notebooks)
    • Lint: dagger do lint (perform various linting on notebooks and project)


Process and notebooks around Smartsheet



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