This is CodeVault, our ConUHacks React web app and offline SwiftUI App with all the latest password generation and verifier tools.
We were inspired by the different cybersecurity-related challenges and decided to tackle them in our way. We had never explored the software field of cybersecurity and decided to explore this area by building a fun project of our own.
What it does
CodeVault is an all-in-one password-related functionality web app and mobile app. It helps users create a strong password in moments of need and allows users to check their own password strength. Furthermore, it provides valuable information and insight into cybersecurity that can help users' future decisions.
How we built it
The CodeVault web app was based on the React JS library using HMTL, CSS and JavaScript. Furthermore, we used node.js to help handle packages and discrepancies, simplifying our job. We implemented multiple libraries along with the React.js foundation to improve user experience and visualize data. The offline app was written in SwiftUI and swift. Two different libraries were also used in conjunction with SPM (Swift Package Manager)
Challenges we ran into
One of the main challenges we ran into was writing an efficient React.js code that would run without any problems. We struggled mainly with the hooks as often, we were not implementing them correctly. Another challenge was the website's overall CSS and design, as the process was long and tedious.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We are proud of deploying and showcasing a functional web app and mobile app that corresponds to most of the goals we set ourselves in the beginning. We are also proud of the collective effort we put in as a team to put out this project of ours on time.
What we learned
We expanded our React.js skills. In past hackathons, even though we used React.js, we never truly utilized its full functionality. Basically, it was some glorified JavaScript, but this time, we are proud of being able to use this popular library properly. Furthermore, we developed our data parsing and analyzing skills.
What's next for CodeVault
We would love to add more features to the web app and update and design a better UI. We would like it to be more informative, relevant, and interactive knowledge about cybersecurity in general. Another big idea would be to implement a keychain password saver in order to make it even more useful.