A simple sandbox program used for competitive programming contest migrated from NJUST-FishTeam/OnlineJudgeCore.
It works only on the Linux.
Install latest cmake and C/C++ compiler (gcc or clang).
Install python 2/3 and Java 8 for running testcases.
Before building this project, you should config the directory of the checkers and the default checker.
We recommend you use the checker lcmp (It diffs the content of each line, and ignores extra whitespaces).
# We use the checker build output directory as the checker directory
$ export CHECKER_ROOT="$(pwd)/build"
# We use lcmp as the default checker
$ export DEFAULT_CHECKER="lcmp"
The original version embedds the text diff checker, since we did not bring break changes before v0.3.0.
Since v0.3.0, CatJudge is not compatible with Cat.
Then, follow these commands.
# Clone submodule testlib
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
# Configure release project
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -B ./build -G "Unix Makefiles"
# Build project
$ cmake --build ./build --config Release --target all
# You may need copy this program to the expected directory (optional)
# $ cp ./build/main /usr/bin/catj
# You may need copy the default checker to the expected directory (optional)
# It depends on your previous configuration
# $ cp ./build/lcmp /usr/bin/lcmp
# Add testlib.h to the include path
$ cp ./testlib/testlib.h /usr/local/include/testlib.h
# Run testcases (optional)
$ cd ./build
$ sudo ctest --verbose
Command line options:
-d <dir>
: Run directory-l <language>
: Code Language (one ofc
)-t <time>
: Time limit (unit: ms, default: 1000 ms)-m <memory>
: Memory limit (unit: KB, default: 262144 KB)-s <checker>
: Binary checker path (optional)
$ sudo ./build/main -d ./test -l cpp -t 1000 -m 65535 -s lcmp
Run the C++ program at the run directory ./test
, using at most 1000 ms time and at most 65536 KB memory, and the checker is lcmp
in the checker directory.
Before running this judge sandbox program, you should prepare the run directory with the following files.
- A compiled program
) orMain.java
). - Testcase input file:
. - Testcase answer file:
An example client is located at ./core/test/run.py
used for unit test.
You should follow the conventions of testlib checker. More details see MikeMirzayanov/testlib, Checker - OI Wiki, and some common examples at testlib/checkers.
The following code is a simple checker used for the well-known problem "A + B".
You should copy the header
to the include path of your computer (or judge server).
#include "testlib.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
setName("compares two signed integers");
registerTestlibCmd(argc, argv);
int ja = ans.readInt();
int pa = ouf.readInt();
if (ja != pa)
quitf(_wa, "expected %d, found %d", ja, pa);
quitf(_ok, "answer is %d", ja);
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