Releases: Cacti/spine
Version 1.2.20
-issue#233: Add support for newer versions of MySQL/MariaDB
-issue#238: When checking for uptime of device, don't assume a non-responce is always fatal
-issue#240: When compiling, newer systems may complain about obsolete macros
-issue#241: When querying devices, long descriptions can become truncated
-issue#243: When compiling, FreeBSD may complain about missing backtrace functions
-issue#244: When building queries, commands may become truncated
-issue#247: When compiling with SNMPv3 support, SHA256 may incorrectly appear to be not supported
-feature#252: Improve spine performance when only one snmp agent port is in use
Version 1.2.7
- issue#113: When compiling under CentOS, 'm4' directory appears to be missing
- issue#115: Perform proper initialization and teardown of sockets under Windows
- issue#117: Spine configuration example shows remote database prefix for local database values
Version 1.2.6
- issue#101: MySQL 8 has retired 'my_bool' type
- issue#104: Spine should report which threads are outstanding
- issue#105: Spine should include 'Process[]' in standard logging
- issue#107: Log Buffer is too small to handle some output
- issue#108: Once an SNMP timeout is reached, snmp_get does not honor include_host
- issue#109: Initial declarations inside for loop cause compile errors
- issue#110: When compiling, 'directive output may be truncated' messages can appear
- issue#112: INSTALL instructions have typo in bootstrap command
Version 1.2.5
- issue: Improve detection of MySQL vs. MariaDB client library requirement
- issue#98: Checking type in poller.c causes compiler error
Version 1.2.4
issue#92: Add Data Source ID to "Empty result' error messages
issue#94: Increase default 'results_buffer' size to 2048 and MySQL max buffer to 131072 bytes
Version 1.2.3
- issue#76: Spine unhandled exception signal
- issue: More recent versions of MariaDB require different client library
Version 1.2.1
- feature: release to match Cacti release
Version 1.2.1
- feature: release to match Cacti release
Version 1.2.0
- feature: Allow threads to be set a Data Collector level
- issue#50: make fails on Debian 7 attempting to locate clock_gettime
- issue#53: Improved escaping when updating database records
- issue#54: Spine should always log if ICMP fails
- issue#58: When updating snmp_sysLocation, text can become truncated
- issue#63: Automatically reduce device threads when number of data sources does not require it