The scenario in that project is the tally that is holding records of officers' shift entrances and these names of officers are stored in digital as a list that seperated by commas. The watch commander, who is responsible about update shift scores, must do it manuelly.
That automation console program takes officer name or a list of names as input and assigns them a 1-point increase score in the related Google Sheet.
Also you can fit it to any Sheet template with correct configuration settings. (system > Assets > Config > sheet_config.ini)
You can follow the steps below to run and develop the project on your local machine.
You will need the following software and tools for the project:
- Python 3.8 or newer
- Git (Optional. You can download the project as RAR)
Clone the project directory to your local machine and install the dependencies.
- Clone the project directory:
git clone
- Navigate to the Project directory:
cd Shift-SheetPY
- Configure project settings ("If you use a Sheet template like in this project, you can configure it here):
You must use your creds.json that related with your Sheet. Here how to create credentials
You should delete path config in config.ini. Otherwise program will occur at the first initilazition.
You can use the project by following these steps:
If your python version is 3.11.3, you can use the program by .bat file.
If your python version is newer or older, you can put your python.exe file to Assets folder and change the older one.
But: The included python.exe could be invisible. You should make sure your folder options shows invisible folders.
1.Open the console and navigate to the project's root directory (system/). 2.Start the console application by using the following command:
If doesn't work, try that:
3.Use the console application menu to add worker information, increase their scores, or list them.