📦 Scripts and data for reproducing the results obtained by Willem Bonnaffé , Alain Danet
, Camille Leclerc
, Victor Frossard
, Eric Edeline
, and Arnaud Sentis
in the paper "The interaction between warming and enrichment accelerates food-web simplification in freshwater systems".
This repository is structured as follow:
📁 FoodWebsRiverLake/ (root of the compendium)
├── 📁 data/ (contains data, arranged by type: raw and derived)
│ ├── 📁 derived-data/ (contains modified data derived from raw-data)
│ └── 📁 raw-data/ (read-only data and should never be changed)
├── 📁 doc/ (contains documents related to the project (e.g., pdf from an .Rmd file))
├── 📁 figs/ (contains figures related to the project)
├── 📁 statistical_analysis/ (contains all files related to statistical analysis)
├── 📁 R/ (contains the R functions)
└── 📁 vignettes/ (contains Rmd files for running specific analysis (e.g. metaweb reconstruction))
Please note that the 📁 statistical_analysis/ includes a README.md file with specific instructions for analysis. Additionally, both the 📁 derived-data/ and the 📁 raw-data/ contain their own README.md files, which provide details about the data files.
Used softwares:
version 4.2.2 or greater
version 2022.12.0 or greater
- Install (if necessary) and load all required packages
- Load all required functions
- Bonnaffé, W., Danet, A., Legendre, S. & Edeline, E. (2021). Comparison of size-structured and species-level trophic networks reveals antagonistic effects of temperature on vertical trophic diversity at the population and species level. Oikos, 130, 1297–1309. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.08173.
- Danet, A., Mouchet, M., Bonnaffé, W., Thébault, E. & Fontaine, C. (2021). Species richness and food-web structure jointly drive community biomass and its temporal stability in fish communities. Ecol. Lett., 24, 2364–2377. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13857. Associated compendium: fishcom.
- SizeTrophicInteractions to compile and estimate (if necessary) of the individual body size of the fish.