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Larpoux committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent 8aed57e commit dd5b470
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Showing 22 changed files with 289 additions and 183 deletions.
Binary file modified .DS_Store
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ed >/dev/null << END
title: Flutter Sound - 9.23.1
title: Flutter Sound - 9.24.1
summary: The Flutter Sound Project README.
layout: home
nav_order: 1
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: Flutter Sound - 9.23.1
title: Flutter Sound - 9.24.1
summary: The Flutter Sound Project README.
layout: home
nav_order: 1
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Binary file modified live/.DS_Store
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Binary file modified tau/.DS_Store
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Binary file added tau/architecture.png
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Expand Up @@ -59,13 +59,17 @@ pod install
cd ..

## Architecture of Flutter Sound

## Debug the example

If everything good, you are now ready to run the example in debug mode using either Visual Studio Code, Android Studio or XCode

- To debug/develop the Dart side, you open the project /tau/flutter_sound/example/ in Visual Studio Code or Android Studio.
- To debug/develop the iOS side you open /tau/flutter_sound/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace in XCode.
- To debug/develop the Android side, you open the project /tau/flutter_sound/example/android in Android Studio
- To debug/develop the Javascript side you use the Developer Tool inside Google Chrome

## Debug your own App

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Binary file modified tau/examples/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
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The example source [is there]( You can have a live run of the examples [here](/live/index.html).
It create two [Player objects](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) and use the verb [startPlayer()](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/startPlayer.html) to play them.

This is a simple example doing several playbacks at the same time.
It creates two [Player objects](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) and use the verb [startPlayer()](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/startPlayer.html) to play them.

This example shows also :
- The [Pause](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/pausePlayer.html)/[Resume](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/resumePlayer.html) feature.
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Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ Feeding Flutter Sound without back pressure is very simple but you can have two
* The App does not have any knowledge of when the block given to Flutter Sound is really played.
For example, if it does a `stopPlayer()` it will loose all the buffered data not yet played.

## You can see also those examples:
- [Streams](ex_streams)
- [Record To Stream](ex_record_to_stream)
- [Live Playback With Backpressure](fs-ex_playback_from_stream_2)
- [Live Playback With Backpressure](ex_playback_from_stream_2)

![screen shot](ScreenShots/PlaybackWithoutBackPressure.png)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion tau/examples/
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ Then it calls [startPlayerFromStream()](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/startPlay
If you do not need any back pressure, you can see another simple example : [LivePlaybackWithoutBackPressure.dart](fs-ex_playback_from_stream_1.html).
This other example is a little bit simpler because the App does not need to await the playback for each block before playing another one.

## You can see also those examples:
- [Streams](ex_streams)
- [Record To Stream](ex_record_to_stream)
- [Live Playback Without Backpressure](fs-ex_playback_from_stream_1)
- [Live Playback Without Backpressure](ex_playback_from_stream_1)

![screen shot](ScreenShots/PlaybackWithBackPressure.png)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tau/examples/
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ The real interest of recording to a Stream is for example to feed a
Speech-to-Text engine, or for processing the Live data in Dart in real time.

You can also refer to the following guide:
- [Dart Streams](fs-ex_streams.html):
- [Dart Streams](/tau/guides/guides_live_streams.html):

![screen shot](ScreenShots/RecordToStream.png)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tau/examples/
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The example source [is there](
{% include image.html file="examples/set_volume.png" %}

This is a very simple basic example which allows the user to adjust the sound volume.
It launchs two [Players](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) which play each an asset. The User can [adjust the volume](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/setVolume.html) of them independently.
It launches two [Players](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) which play each an asset. The User can [adjust the volume](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/setVolume.html) of them independently.

This example is very basic.

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Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ parent: Examples
nav_order: 1

The example source [is there]( You can have a live run of the examples [here](/live/index.html).

This is a very simple example for Flutter Sound beginners, that shows how to play a remote file.
It create a [Player object](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) and use the verb [startPlayer()](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/startPlayer.html).

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The example source [is there]( You can have a live run of the examples [here](/live/index.html).

Play from stream can be very efficient to play sound effects in real time. For example in a game App.

In this example, the App open three [players](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) and call [startPlayerFromStream()](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/startPlayerFromStream.html) during initialization.
When it want to play a noise, it has just to call the synchronous verb [feed](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/feedInt16FromStream.html). Very fast.

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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ parent: Examples
nav_order: 11
The example source [is there]( You can have a live run of the examples [here](/live/index.html).
It launchs a [Player](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) which play an asset.

It launches a [Player](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer-class.html) which play an asset.
The User can [adjust the playback speed](/api/player/FlutterSoundPlayer/setSpeed.html) of it.

This is a very simple example showing how tune the speed of a playback.
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title: "Installation"
summary: "Flutter Sound installation."
parent: Guides
nav_order: 5
nav_order: 2
# Installation

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title: "Getting Started"
summary: "Introduction for Flutter Sound beginners."
parent: Guides
nav_order: 3
nav_order: 1

## Playback
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