Releases: Canop/bacon
Releases Β· Canop/bacon
bacon v2.9.0
bacon v2.8.1
- color rendering of cargo test - Fix #124
bacon v2.8.0
bacon v2.7.0
bacon v2.6.3
- remove keybindings from default bacon.toml - Fix #116
bacon v2.6.2
- more consistent "pass!" (eg at least one test must have run) - Thanks @zolrath
bacon v2.6.1
- fix a dependency compilation problem - Fix #112
bacon v2.6.0
- change default value of 'wrap' setting to true
experimental launch argument, prevents bacon (but not jobs) from accessing the network. Downside is a potentially less relevant list of watched files and directories - Fix #110
bacon v2.5.0
bacon v2.4.0
The global prefs.toml and the local bacon.toml file now have the same properties, the local bacon.toml overriding the global prefs.toml file.
Among the consequences:
- you can have a list of default global jobs (Fix #101)
- you can set a different preferences (eg wrapping, summary, etc.) for a specific repository.
The default configuration files and the recommended best practices are unchanged