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Releases: Canop/bacon

bacon v2.2.8

15 Dec 08:14
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Remove a -- in default run config: it made it difficult to pass arguments

bacon v2.2.7

14 Dec 18:03
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  • capture output of "should panic" tests - Fix #95

bacon v2.2.5

08 Oct 11:51
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  • fix wrong scrollbar in several cases of wrapping

bacon v2.2.3

17 Sep 17:32
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  • fix a compilation problem on Window - Thanks @Stargateur - Fix #87
  • define a new allow_warnings job setting. When it's true, the job is considered successful even when there are warnings. This is default on the run job, which means the cargo run output is displayed even when there are warnings - Fix #81
  • allow cargo --prefs to be ran from outside cargo projects - Fix #84

bacon v2.2.1

07 Jun 15:52
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Update some dependencies

bacon v2.2.0

12 May 18:54
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  • Locations exported in .bacon-locations now made absolute so that IDE plugins like nvim-bacon don't have to know the package's root
  • job cancelling now works on unresponsive jobs too. This is a quite heavy change as the current implementation involves bringing in async and it's not 100% clean but it solves a major problem, further improvements could be welcome - Fix #78 - Thanks @nolanderc
  • you can refer to cargo aliases by prefixing jobs with alias:, either when setting up keybindings, defaults, or when launching bacon. Example: bacon alias:q to launch the cargo task aliased as q - Fix #77

bacon v2.1.0

26 Mar 17:55
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Major feature:
The export-locations argument (shortened in -e) generates a .bacon-locations file which can be used by IDE plugins.
A plugin has been made for neovim: nvim-bacon and other ones would be welcome.

Minor changes:

  • wrapping now applies to all outputs, even non interpreted ones like the output of cargo run.

bacon v2.0.1

18 Feb 12:22
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fix summary of warnings counted as a warning

bacon v2.0.0

16 Feb 17:41
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Major features:

  • It's now possible to configure key bindings in the prefs.toml file. Those key bingings can trigger internal actions (scrolling, toggling, quitting) or jobs (for example you can launch cargo test on the t key. - Fix #52
  • help page, listing all key-bindings
  • a job is said to be successful when there's no error, test failure or warning. When a job is successful, its output is displayed by bacon. This makes it possible to have a cargo run job, for example.
  • it's possible to define an action to run when a job is successful. For example you can launch a cargo doc --open job on a key, and have bacon switch to the previous job with the on_success = "back trigger so that you don't open a browser page on every change
  • arguments given after -- are given to the job - Fix #67
  • there's a web documentation site now, you should have a look:

Minor changes:

  • fix character being lost behind scrollbar on wrapping

bacon v1.2.5

29 Jan 10:15
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  • fix missing output of "no_run" doctests - Fix #64
  • restrict naming of jobs to [\w-]+ regex (you were unlikely to use other chars due to the TOML format anyway)