This repository contains a dataset and resources from our study on Dutch pronunciation by Chinese learners, specifically focusing on the Voice Onset Time (VOT) of /t/ and /d/ consonants. We explored the correlation between the VOT duration in Dutch spoken by Chinese learners and their perceived foreign accent by native Dutch speakers.
The dataset includes recordings of Dutch speech collected from ten Chinese participants and ten native Dutch speakers. The words selected for this study were 'later', 'lader', 'tak', and 'dak', chosen due to their phonetic characteristics. The recordings are available in this repository and can be used for linguistic research and educational purposes.
Participants provided their speech under informed consent, ensuring ethical standards. A template of the informed consent form used for collecting speech data is included in this repository.
This data is intended for academic and non-commercial use only. By using this dataset, you agree to cite our work and adhere to the terms of use outlined in the license file.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact [email protected].