Hindenburg is a completely customisable and scalable Among Us server, complete with advanced plugins and a sophisticated and configurable anti-cheat.
With unparalleled support for Reactor, it's perfect for developers and for private modded game servers.
It uses SkeldJS to interface with the Among Us protocol, as well as keeping state.
Hindenburg has its own channels on the SkeldJS discord server, be sure to drop in if you need help installing, want to discuss Hindenburg, or just want to chat: https://discord.gg/8ewNJYmYAU
Hindenburg has complete authority, and does much more than a glorified relay network. It interacts directly with games, making sure everything runs smoothly and gives lots of power to plugins.
Hindenburg is completely customisable with a simple json file, giving you full control.
Leveraging the power of SkeldJS, Hindenburg has full knowledge of running games, giving you the ability to write or easily install plugins to control the behaviour of the server.
Hindenburg also natively supports clients using Reactor, allowing plugins to communicate directly with mods, and giving you the ability to leverage the full potential of the Reactor protocol.
Check out the installation docs to get started using Hindenburg.
For information on installing plugins, check out the setting up plugins page.
For information on writing your own plugins, see the getting started on writing plugins page.
For issues regarding bugs that you encounter while using Hindenburg, please create an issue on the github issues page.
For help setting Hindenburg up, writing plugins or just general questions, please check out the Discord server
Hindenburg is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, meaning I am not responsible for anything you do with this library.