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Handle 15 characters and 18 characters salesforce IDs


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Gem to properly convert from and to 15 characters case sensitive format and 18 characters case insensitive format for salesforce record ID.

It's implemented as a C library to make the conversion as fast and performant as possible.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'salesforce_id'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install salesforce_id


The gem can be used as easily as:

id15 = "003G000001SUbc4"
id18 = "003G000001SUbc4IAD"

# Convert to insensitive id, 18 characters
SalesforceId.to_insensitive(id15) == id18 # => true

# Convert to sensitive id, 15 characters
SalesforceId.to_sensitive(id18) == id15 # => true

# Check if salesforce id is valid
SalesforceId.valid?(id15)  # => true
SalesforceId.valid?(id18)  # => true
SalesforceId.valid?("foo") # => false

# Fixes casing for case-insensitive ids
SalesforceId.repair_casing(id18.downcase) == id18 # => true

# Check if id is case-sensitive format
SalesforceId.sensitive?(id15) # => true
SalesforceId.sensitive?(id18) # => false
SalesforceId.sensitive?(nil)  # => false

# Check if id is case-insensitive format
SalesforceId.insensitive?(id18) # => true
SalesforceId.insensitive?(id15) # => false
SalesforceId.insensitive?(nil)  # => false

There is also a simple class that is a value object which can be used in the following way:

id ="003G000001SUbc4")
# Or shorter version
id ="003G000001SUbc4")
# It doesn't instanciate a new object if a `SalesforceId::Safe` is passed
id2 =
id.equal?(id2) # => true

# It provides a few nice methods
id3 ="004A000002SUbc4IAD")

# It always handles everything in case-insensitive repaired casing format
id.to_s == "003G000001SUbc4IAD" # => true

# It can be compared with other ids
id == id3 # => false
id == id  # => true

# It can be converted to JSON
id.to_json # => "003G000001SUbc4IAD"

# It can be converted to case-sensitive format
id.to_sensitive # => "003G000001SUbc4"

# It can be converted to case-insensitive format
id.to_insensitive # => "003G000001SUbc4IAD"

# Special feature, for even shorter ID creation
SalesforceId("003G000001SUbc4") =="003G000001SUbc4") # => true

ActiveRecord integration

SalesforceId::Safe can be used with Rails serialize.

To achieve full integration, Arel requires to inject a visitor by directly adding a method to Arel::Visitors::ToSql, this is currently performed by the arel.rb file, which checks if arel gem is present and version is ~> 5.0

Test utilities


A useful utility class to generate random salesforce IDs

# Generate a valid case-sensitive salesforce id
SalesforceId::Random.sensitive # => 003G000001SUbc4

# Generate a valid case-insensitive salesforce id
SalesforceId::Random.insensitive # => 003G000001SUbc4IAD

# Generate an **invalid** case-sensitive salesforce id
SalesforceId::Random.invalid_sensitive # => 003G0-0001SUbc4

# Generate a **invalid** case-insensitive salesforce id where the first 15
# characters are invalid, not the checksum part
SalesforceId::Random.invalid_insensitive # => 003-000001SUbc4IAD

# Generate a **invalid** case-insensitive salesforce id where only the checksum
# part (last 3 characters) is invalid
SalesforceId::Random.invalid_insensitive_checksum # => 003G000001SUbc4I9D

# Generate a valid SalesforceId::Safe salesforce id # => #<SalesforceId::Safe:0x007f86f2294c50 @value="003G000001SUbc4IAD">

# Generate a valid SalesforceId::Safe salesforce id with a prefix, useful for
# factory girl sequences"foo") # => #<SalesforceId::Safe:0x007f86f2294c50 @value="fooG000001SUbc4IAD">

# Shorter version to perform ``
SalesforceId.random # => #<SalesforceId::Safe:0x007f86f2294c50 @value="003G000001SUbc4IAD">

# Shorter version to perform `` with prefix
SalesforceId.random("foo") # => #<SalesforceId::Safe:0x007f86f2294c50 @value="fooG000001SUbc4IAD">

RSpec matchers

Include SalesforceId::RSpec in your tests to get a bunch of salesforce id matchers

RSpec.describe SalesforceId("003G000001SUbc4") do
  include ::SalesforceId::RSpec
  it "is a sensitive salesforce id" do
    expect(subject.to_sensitive).to be_sensitive_salesforce_id # => true
  it "is an insensitive salesforce id" do
    expect(subject.to_insensitive).to be_insensitive_salesforce_id # => true

  it "is a salesforce id" do be_salesforce_id # => true

  it "is a salesforce id in safe format (case-sensitive + checksum)" do be_safe_salesforce_id # => true


These tests will pass. Matchers will work with any object that can be converted into a string with to_s, including SalesforceId::Safe.

One note on be_safe_salesforce_id matcher, it will consider safe even strings if they are of the correct format (case sensitive + checksum)


Methods are documented in salesforce_id_ext.h, this file is the only public API of the gem, everything else must be considered private.


Some useful links related to this Salesforce ID issue:


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.