A project by DevX (the Carleton Developers Exchange).
To develop on this project, install node.js and then run these commands:
install meteor.js:
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
install meteorite:
sudo -H npm install -g meteorite
install packages:
mrt add iron-router
mrt add accounts-entry
mrt add iron-router-progress
(but in might install them all in one go)
and then use mrt
instead of meteor
to run the app.
Currently hosted at carldraw.com
- Comment-out lines 7-10 in /server/main.js (where it clears the dbs)
- Run
meteor deploy carldraw.com --delete
- Run
meteor deploy --debug carldraw.com
- Create an admin account
- For the big unveiling, post on FB as DevX with a link and say, “we’re live!”