Debounces the noisy steps of a rotary encoder and implements callbacks for the events onclockwise and oncounterclockwise rotation.
Analogous to the "debounced pushbutton", the RotaryEncoder
class debounces the rotary
motion of an encoder. The user implements his actions to be executed on forward or
backward rotation and registers them with the encoder with addOnClockwiseCB()
The test program increments a counter on clockwise rotation or decrements it on counterclockwise rotation. No pulses should be lost or added regardless of the rotation speed.
By hand, with best effort, one revolution (20 steps) could be executed in 70 ms, which corresponds to a rotation speed of 60000/70 = 857 rpm = 14.3 rps = 286 steps/second.
The axial pushbutton can be used to switch between two different debouncing methods or to query the angular position of the encoder.