There are 2 options to build the app in Android: one automatic and another manual.
Option 1) Automatic APK generation for Android
Navigate to the folder called tools
Make sure that both docker and docker-compose are available in the machine.
- If needed, will install both.
- Generate the APK
- Option 1: using make command of Makefile:
make generate-apk
- Option 2: Execute script.
The APK is generated and signed with the key release-key.jks
The new apk will be available in the folder apk inside tools
Option 2) Manual Application generation
- Requirements
- Java
- Node.js
- ionic
- capacitor
- Navigate to src folder
- Install Dependencies and build (nodeJS dependencies)
npm i npm run build
- Android
- Android specific requirements
- Android-SDK with build-tools. $ANDROID_HOME might be required
- Create android folder and config gradle
- Android specific requirements
npx cap add android
- Synchronize the android folder
npx cap sync android
- Access the new generated android folder
cd android
- Create APK
./gradlew assembleDebug
- Access the folder in which the APK is available
cd app/build/outputs/apk/debug/
- Align APK
zipalign -v -p 4 app-debug.apk app-debug-aligned.apk
- Sign APK
apksigner sign --ks /release-key.jks --ks-pass pass:KEY_PASSWORD --key-pass pass:KEY_PASSWORD --out geteduroam.apk app-debug-aligned.apk
- Requirements
To create the iOS binary, there is only a way (manual) because it couldn't be dockerized.
- Binary creation
- Requirements
- Java
- Node.js
- ionic
- capacitor
- Navigate to src folder
- Install Dependencies and build (nodeJS dependencies)
npm i npm run build
- iOS specific requirements:
- Xcode
- CocoaPods
- Building the capacitor app:
npx cap add ios -> Creates ios folder (if the ios folder doesn't exist under the src one) npx cap sync ios -> Synchronyzes ios folder npx cap open ios -> Opens xCode
- Installing CocoaPods: Go to the folder src/ios/App, throw the command:
pod install -> Installs dependencies with CocoaPods.
- To fix Bounce on iOS (this step shoulnd't be needed but sometimes the Bounce.m is removed so it's needed). Important: If Bounce.m exists, skip this step:
- In the folder Pods/, create a "New File", select "Objective-C File", select Next.
- Include the name to the file and select Next.
- Select Target Support Files: Capacitor, Capacitor Cordova, CordovaPlugins and Pods-App
- Select Create and include:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @implementation UIScrollView (NoBounce) - (void)didMoveToWindow { [super didMoveToWindow]; self.bounces = NO; } @end
- Requirements