A toy project that uses the following technologies:
- spring boot
- spring webflux
- spring data r2dbc
- spring cloud: eureka, gateway, stream, config
- resilience4j
- testing: junit, mockito, testcontainers
- build: maven, gradle, docker, docker compose
- database: postgresql
- messages: rabbitmq, kafka
There are 4 microservices
- persona-ms
- cuenta-ms
- movimientoms
- compositems
A service discovery server
- eurekaserver
An authorization server
- autorizationserver
An edge server (gateway)
- edgeserver
To initialize the project, ensure that both docker and docker compose are installed on your machine. Navigate to the project's root directory and execute the docker-compose.yml file with the following bash command:
docker compose up -d
The Devsu-prueba-tecnica.postman_collection.json json file contains a postman collection to test the microservices' endpoints.