- The United States is the largest used car market
- The used car market is developing in an orderly manner, with a complete system, and is generally recognized by consumers
- As a consumer, what is the most cost-effective choice when buying a used car
- As an operator of a used car company, how to maximize benefits
- Find out factors that could possibly impact the price of the vehicles in the used car market
- Indicate factors that could help stakeholders
- Make suggestions to stakeholders
- The model should be optimized before business forecasting
- The most popular type of vehicles have the following features: small size, classic colors (black, white, grey and silver), clean title, U.S. made, and gas as the fuel type.
- The differences in automobile features could lead to different prices in the used car market.
- For automobile companies and dealers: emphasize these most popular features in future designs and showings
- For customers: flexibly decide the features when buying a vehicle