A simple app to manage 3D Blu Rays
First, run the development server:
For the first time running the code for the backend
cd backend
go build
After successfully running the backend for the first time run the following command
go build && ./3dblurays
In a new terminal run the following commands
cd frontend
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the home page.
To set up the database if one does not already exist with the correct name and location Open http://localhost:8080/debug/populate with your browser to populate the database.
Once the database is populated you can see the data on the fronend
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the home page.
The home page shows a list of all the Blu Rays in the database. Clicking on a Blu Ray will take you to a page where you can see more information about the Blu Ray.
The series page shows a list of all the series in the database. Clicking on a series will take you to a page where you can see all the Blu Rays in that series.
The Blu Rays In Series page shows a list of all the Blu Rays in the series. Clicking on a Blu Ray will take you to a page where you can see more information about the Blu Ray.
The add page allows you to add a new Blu Ray to the database.
The 4K Films page shows a list of all the Blu Rays that are 4K Films. Clicking on a Blu Ray will take you to a page where you can see more information about the Blu Ray.
The Steelbook Films page shows a list of all the Blu Rays that are Steelbook editions. Clicking on a Blu Ray will take you to a page where you can see more information about the Blu Ray.
To delete a Blu Ray can be done by multiple methods:
- Clicking on the delete button on the page for the Blu Ray
- Clicking on the delete button on the page for the series
- Clicking on the delete button on the page for the home page
- Clicking on the delete button on the page for the series page
To add a Blu Ray naviaget to the Add page and fill out the form and press Submit. It will then be added to the database and will appear in the app.