(This means Keymaster in Swedish.)
A text-based action-RPG game. Developed by Adam Winograd and I.
Inspired by games like Zork, A Link To The Past, Dragon Warrior and Mother.
All in-game graphics were made without any external libraries, which I'm really happy about. It looks like an Atari 2600 game!
- w / north / go north
- d / east / go east
- s / south / go south
- a / west / go west
- words of encouragement
- use / item
- inventory
- location
- settings / options
- help
- To start a new game:
- Select "reset game" from settings.
- If you installed the game from source, enter "python3 adventuregame.py new"
- If the orange field looks a bit wonky with screen size three, try zooming out your terminal window or changing to screen size two.
- There's a hidden weapon in the wizard Salazar's lair...
- Simpleaudio: https://github.com/hamiltron/py-simple-audio
- Viu: https://github.com/atanunq/viu
- Pillow: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow
- An installation of Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started
- Python 3.7, or above.
- Clone the repo whichever way you want.
- Run the included shell script, labeled "dependencies_1.sh", and then once you're done run "dependencies_2.sh".
- Nagivate to where you cloned the repo.
- Enter "python3 adventuregame.py || python adventuregame.py".
- Make your terminal full-screen, and have fun!