This is an example of a door alarm written in Python on Raspberry Pi.
- Copy to the pi's home directory.
- Add your Pushover API creds to AWS SecretsManager. Replace TOKEN and USER_KEY with the token and user key from Pushover. Take note of the ARN. You'll need this to start the script.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name api_key --secret-string "{\"token\": \"TOKEN\",\"user\": \"USER_KEY\"}"
- Open crontab.
crontab -e
- Add the following line to your crontab. Replace $SECRET_ARN with the name of the secret in AWS SecretsManager.
@reboot sleep 120 && python3 /home/pi/ $SECRET_ARN >> /home/pi/alarm.log 2>&1
- A Raspberry Pi with Rasbian Lite installed
- Network connectivity
- Python3
- The follwing Python modules: boto3, gpiozero
- AWS SecretsManager (To store Pushover API credentials)
- Magnetic Reed Switch
- Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi 2 or better
- Soldering Eequipment (Iron, Solder, thin guage wire)
Solder the the leads from the magnetic reed switch to GPIO2 and ground, polarity is not important.