@Walkersifolia 🌸 |
@KeluIsAfkeru 🌸 |
@Steve~ɘvɘɈƧ 🌸 |
@7aGiven 🌸 |
@MoistCrystal 🌸 |
@static_void 🌸 |
@千柒 🌸 |
Run in the Yunzai directory
Using Github
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Catrong/phi-plugin.git ./plugins/phi-plugin/ #Install the plugin
cd ./plugins/phi-plugin/ #Enter the plugin directory
pnpm install -P #Install the required dependencies
Using Gitee
git clone --depth=1 https://gitee.com/catrong/phi-plugin.git ./plugins/phi-plugin/ #Install the plugin
cd ./plugins/phi-plugin/ #Enter the plugin directory
pnpm install -P #Install the required dependencies
The following # can be replaced with /, and the command header can be customized
Function Name | Function Description |
#phi help |
Get help |
#phi (bind|绑定)xxx |
Bind sessionToken |
#phi (unbind|解绑) |
Delete sessionToken and archive records |
#phi clean |
Delete all records |
#phi (update|更新存档) |
Update archive |
#phi (rks|pgr|b19) |
Query rks, will provide the resulting b21 result |
杠批比三零 |
Same as above |
#phi info(1|2)? |
Query personal statistics |
#phi lmtacc [0-100] |
Calculate RKS after limiting the lowest ACC |
#phi (lvsco(re)|scolv) <定数范围> <难度> |
Get interval scores |
#phi chap <章节名称|help> |
Get chapter scores |
#phi list <定数范围> <EZ|HD|IN|AT> <NEW|C|B|A|S|V|FC|PHI> |
Get interval scores for each song |
#phi best1(+) |
Query text version b19 (or more), up to b99 |
#phi (score|单曲成绩)xxx |
Get single song score and push score suggestions for this song |
#phi (suggest|推分) |
Get the song that can make RKS +0.01 and the required ACC |
#phi (ranklist|排行榜) |
Get RKS leaderboard |
#phi data |
Get user data quantity |
#phi (guess|猜曲绘) |
Guess the song, answer without special commands, reply directly, if it is not the song name, it will not speak, if it is an incorrect song name, it will reply. #ans end |
#phi (ltr|开字母) |
Guess the song name based on the letters, #出/#open... open the specified letter, #第n个/#nX.xxx answer, #ans get the answer |
#phi (tipgame|提示猜曲) |
Guess the song name based on the prompt, #tip get the next prompt, #ans get the answer, answer directly reply |
#phi (song|曲) xxx |
Query a song in phigros, support setting aliases |
#phi (table|定数表) <difficuty> |
phigros chart constant table (BiliBili @yuhao7370) |
#phi new |
Query updated songs |
#phi tips |
Random tips |
#phi jrrp |
Today's fortune |
#phi nick xxx |
Query the alias of a song |
#phi (rand|随机) [定数] [难度] |
Random song based on conditions, conditions support difficulty, constant, difficulty can be multiple choices, constant is separated by - |
#phi randclg [课题总值] [难度] ([曲目定数范围]) |
Random task eg: /rand 40 (IN 13-15) |
#phi (曲绘|ill|Ill) xxx |
Query the song illustration in phigros |
#phi (search|查询|检索) <条件 值> |
Search for songs in the song library, support BPM constant amount, conditions bpm dif cmb, values can be intervals, separated by - |
#phi (theme|主题) [0-2] |
Switch drawing theme, only effective for b19 update |
sign/签到 |
Sign in to get Notes |
task/我的任务 |
View your tasks |
retask/刷新任务 |
Refresh tasks, need to spend 20Notes |
#phi (send|送|转) <目标> <数量> |
Send Notes to the target, support @ or QQ number |
Function Name | Function Description |
#phi backup (back)? |
Backup archive files, + back send the backup file, automatically saved in the /phi-plugin/backup/ directory |
#phi restore |
Restore from backup, will not lose existing data, need to put the file in the /phi-plugin/backup/ directory |
#phi(设置别名|setnick) xxx ---> xxx |
Set an alias for a song, format is original name (or existing alias) ---> alias (will automatically filter the spaces on both sides of --->) |
#phi(删除别名|delnick) xxx |
Delete an alias for a song |
#phi(强制|qz)?(更新|gx) |
Update this plugin |
#phi repu |
Restart puppeteer |
#下载曲绘|down ill |
Download song illustrations to local |
#phi get <名次> |
Get the sessionToken of a certain rank on the leaderboard |
#phi del <sessionToken> |
Disable a sessionToken |
#phi allow <sessionToken> |
Restore a sessionToken |
#phi (set|设置)<功能><值> |
Modify settings, it is recommended to view the function name first with /phi set, no spaces |
#phi ban <功能> |
Disable a certain type of function, see the table below for details |
Parameter | Function | Affected commands |
all | All functions | -.- |
help | Help function | /help /tkhelp |
bind | Bind function | /bind /unbind |
b19 | Image score query function | /pgr /update /info /list /pb30 /score /lvsco /chap /suggest |
wb19 | Text score query function | /data /best |
song | Illustration function | /song /ill /search /alias /rand /randclg /table |
ranklist | Leaderboard function, will not disable user ranking | /ranklist /godlist |
fnc | Small functions | /com /tips /lmtacc /new |
tipgame | Tip guessing game | /tipgame |
guessgame | Guessing game | /guess |
ltrgame | Letter guessing game | /letter /ltr |
sign | Entertainment functions | /sign /send /task /retask /jrrp |
setting | System settings | /theme |
dan | Dan certification related | /dan /danupdate |
Support my creation
Thank you for your support, your support is my greatest motivation for creation! The acknowledgment list may not be updated in time, welcome to urge me on QQ!
Optimize interface design
Add illustrations of collectibles, avatars, etc.
Play phi's songs
Optimize QR code to get sessionToken
Command to modify settings
Yunzai-Bot Related Content Index
Best19 Effect Picture Effect picture from @Steve喵~ |
Single Song Score Effect Picture Effect picture from @Steve喵~ Single Song Score Effect Picture (Legacy) Effect picture from @Steve喵~ Single Song Illustration Effect Picture |
Interval Score Effect Picture Effect picture from @东城Eastown Personal Information Effect Picture Effect picture from @Steve喵~ |
Personal Information Effect Picture (Legacy) Effect picture from @东城Eastown |
- The functions are limited to internal communication and small-scale use. Please do not use
for any profit-making purposes. - Pictures and other materials are from the internet, only for communication and learning purposes. If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will delete it immediately.
- The cloud archive is rewritten from 7aGiven/PhigrosLibrary
Not written well, please be gentle...