New Version of Discord.js adapted to Otterbot! Use this repository and don't forget give me credits!
This repo has the following features:
- Music Functions
- Moderation and Auto-Mod Functions
- Welcome System
Support my work:
1. You have to make
npm install
to install all the libraries and dependencies!
2. Fill the
with the required data
3. Do not forget provide your Intents number to the bot to avoid some troubles!
4. Enjoy the experience!
"token": "bot token",
"botID": "bot id",
"ownerID": "owner id",
"MONGO_URI": "mongo URI",
"API": "perspective api",
"colors": {
"success": "Green",
"warning": "Yellow",
"error": "Red"
"GENIUS_API": "genius API",
"spotifyPlugin": {
"clientID_sp": "spotify client",
"secretClient_sp": "SClient Spotify"
"nodes": [
"name": "Lavalink Client",
"host": "host here",
"port": 00000,
"password": "password here"
"nodes2": [
"name": "Lavalink Client 2",
"host": "host here",
"port": 00000,
"password": "password here"