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About Git Cmd in Windows

CoFfEe edited this page Apr 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

This is a page for me to remember how to push to github (I struggled a bit because GameMaker does not have an integrated git funciton).


git config --global core.editor "notepad" This is important to make git use Notepad instead of wim (vim is making my cry)
git remote add hampter Adding a remote (linking to my github repository) named hampter
git remote set-url hamtper Setting the remote url
git pull --allow-unrelated-histories hamtper dev Pulling from remote repsitory after my dev branch diverted so much that I could not pull (Esentially overwriting the local branch with the remote equivalent)
echo.>.gitignore Creating a file in windows (.gitignore is a git file where file can be specified that should not be pushed to the remote)

everyday changes

git status Viewing which files have been changed
git log Viewing commit changes
git checkout dev Selecting another branch (always work on dev branch, after each chapter merge into main branch)
git add <file> Staging a specific file
git add . Staging all chaned files
git commit Commit using the editor / git commit -m "Commit Message here" Commit writing the commit message in the console
git push hamtper dev Pushing with git (git push if there is only one remote)

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