This is a simple little tool, that helps to measure bandwidth and latency in a kubernetes Pod Network.
These tests are excuted on every Node (through a DaemonSet) every 10 seconds
- Test
all other Pods (5 times) - Download
(16MBytes) from one randomly selected node
The result of the tests is tagged with Zone, Node and Pod information and scraped by Prometheus. The results can graphed using Grafana.
# Setup prometheues + kube-latency in cluster using helm
## prometheus runs on nodes that are labeled `role: monitoring`
## kube-latency runs on nodes that are labeled `role: worker`
helm upgrade --install --values contrib/test/kube-latency-values.yaml test-kl contrib/helm/kube-latency
# Setup grafana
helm upgrade --install --values contrib/grafana/helm-values.yaml grafana stable/grafana
# Port forwards
## prometheus localhost:9090
## grafana localhost:9091
kubectl port-forward --namespace default $(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=prometheus,release=test-kl" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 9090:9090
kubectl port-forward --namespace default $(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=grafana-grafana,component=grafana" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 9091:3000
# add the datasource to grafana
# Import Grafana's dashboard from contrib/grafana/kube-latency-dashboard.json.
The username and password for Grafana is admin.
# Scale up the asg
for i in {6..100..3}; do
echo "scaling to $i" && aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity --auto-scaling-group-name kubernetes-nonprod_devcluster-worker --desired-capacity $i && sleep 60