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Freeport SDK



  • Export for artifacts


  • Added Treats config


  • New method on NftAttachment contract (collectionManagerAttachToNFT) for attaching assets by Collections.
  • Deployed to DEV davinci and DEV liveone


  • Include the Liveone prod deployment.


  • Include the Davinci prod deployment.


  • Include the staging deployments.


  • Separate buyNftByUsd and buyNftsByUsd (plural) functions to support multiple deployments and upgrades.


  • new Marketplace and Auction smart contracts
  • added OpenSea compatible Collections
  • added 'quantity' parameter for buyNftByUsd method


  • Added LiveOne config for STAGE/PROD


  • Added LiveOne config

v7.0.0 - Upgradeable contracts

  • support for upgradeable contracts
  • contract deployment of 2022-01-28 / commit bfb19163

v6.3.0 - Auction with Biconomy

  • [BREAKING] Use the correct SimpleAuction contract.

v6.2.0 - Token configuration

  • Added Token name and decimals configuration.

v6.1.0 - USDC

  • Add the USDC contract address on mainnet.

v6.0.0 - Biconomy

  • Add support for Biconomy for gasless transactions.
  • Changes to the API: first create the signer, then the contracts.
  • Add first tests.


Freeport SDK uses ethers library under the hood, but it is not included in this package. Install ethers as a dependency in your project along with the SDK:

npm install ethers @cere/freeport-sdk


yarn add ethers @cere/freeport-sdk


Freeport SDK provides an interface to work with Freeport Smart Contracts.

In order to call smart contract methods you must create an object with them using the creator function:

const fiatGateway = createFiatGateway({ provider, contractAddress, mnemonic });

You need to pass a provider. You can get a Web3 provider from the browser (if you use Metamask, for example) or create a JsonRpc provider:

const provider = importProvider(); // browser
const provider = createProvider(providerUrl); // Node.js

You also need to specify contractAddress. You can get the current address for your chain from SDK or get it from configuration params:

const contractAddress = getFreeportAddress(provider); // browser
const contractAddress = config.get('CONTRACT_ADDRESS'); // Node.js

Here is an example of usage in browser:

const provider = importProvider();
const contractAddress = getFreeportAddress(provider);
const freeport = createFreeport({ provider, contractAddress });

const balance = await freeport.balanceOf(address, nftId);

And here is how you can use it without the browser :

const mnemonic = config.get('WALLET_MNEMONIC');
const providerUrl = config.get('PROVIDER_URL');
const contractAddress = config.get('CONTRACT_ADDRESS');
const provider = createProvider(providerUrl);

const fiatGateway = createFiatGateway({ provider, contractAddress, mnemonic });

await fiatGateway.buyNftFromUsd(...args);

For developers


  • update the major version if the smart contract addresses change
  • also update the major version in case of breaking changes (even if the addresses do not change)
  • use semver in other cases


To run the project in watch mode so that any edits you save inside src causes a rebuild to /dist, use yarn start.

To do a one-off build, use yarn build.

To run tests:

  1. Generate a mnemonic (e.g. with Metamask), and get some TEST MATIC on it (e.g., from the faucet).
  2. Get an API key of a Biconomy account configured with the Freeport dev deployment.
  3. Create a .env file based on .env.example.
  • yarn qa - run all code quality tools
  • yarn test - run tests with Jest
  • yarn fix - fix linting errors and formatting
  • yarn lint - run ESLint only
  • yarn format - format files with prettier
  • yarn ts - run TypeScrypt checks
  • yarn update-types - generate TS types using artifacts
  • yarn deploy - publish new version


Code quality is set up for you with eslint, prettier, husky, and lint-staged. Configure your IDE to use them!

Publishing to NPM

  1. Copy smart contract artifacts to /src/artifacts
  2. Run yarn update-types
  3. Commit changes with message like "artifacts from commit e57691bc"
  4. Check that npm whoami returns "cere-io" (otherwise update your NPM_TOKEN env var for publishing @cere packages)
  5. Run yarn deploy and publish the next version (see Versioning)
  6. Push changes to the remote branch
  7. Install the new version of SDK in projects that use it

Continuous Integration

GitHub Actions

Two actions are added by default:

  • main which installs deps with cache, lints, tests, and builds on all pushes against a Node and OS matrix
  • size which comments cost comparison of your library on every pull request using size-limit

Module Formats

CJS, ESModules, and UMD module formats are supported.

The appropriate paths are configured in package.json and dist/index.js accordingly.