This project implements a basic Steamship Tagger that you can customize and deploy for your own use.
In Steamship, Taggers add annotations to text that can be queried and composed later. Note that a file must have first been blockified in order to be tagged.
This sample project adds paragraph and sentence tags for a sample text document, but the implementation you create might:
- Use entity recognition to tag named entities in text block
- Use sentiment analysis to tag positive and negative sections of a transcribed conversation
Once a Tagger has generated data in Steamship, that data is ready for use by the rest of the ecosystem. For example, you could perform a query over the sentences or embed each sentence.
We recommend using Python virtual environments for development. To set one up, run the following command from this directory:
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate your virtual environment by running:
source .venv/bin/activate
Your first time, install the required dependencies with:
python -m pip install -r
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
All the code for this plugin is located in the src/
- The TaggerPlugin class
- The
method that is invoked via theFile.tag
Tests are located in the test/
file. You can run them with:
We have provided sample data in the test_data/
Deploy your tagger to Steamship by running:
ship deploy --register-plugin
That will deploy your plugin to Steamship and register it as a plugin for use.
Once deployed, your Tagger Plugin can be referenced by the handle in your steamship.json
from steamship import Steamship, Block, File, MimeTypes, Tag
MY_PLUGIN_HANDLE = ".. fill this out .."
client = Steamship()
tagger = client.use_plugin(plugin_handle=MY_PLUGIN_HANDLE, plugin_instance="unique-instance-id")
with open("./test_data/king_speech.txt", "r") as text:
# here, we add an initial block, as tagging requires files have been blockified.
content =
file = File.create(client, content=content, mime_type=MimeTypes.TXT, blocks=[Block.CreateRequest(text=content)])
# now that our file has been tagged, we can access the new tags by refreshing the file.
file = file.refresh()
for block in file.blocks:
# we can also query for tags in the file (here, finding sentences)
print("\n".join([content[t.start_idx:t.end_idx] for t in Tag.query(client, f'file_id "{}" and kind "sentence"').tags]))
Please share what you've built with [email protected]!
We would love take a look, hear your suggestions, help where we can, and share what you've made with the community.