CesiumJS 1.123
1.123 - 2024-11-01
Highlights include:
- Updated default 3D Tiles and Model lighting when using PBR in order to create a more realistic appearance #12129
- Exposed Fog.visualDensityScalar to allow modifying the visual density of fog without affecting the culling aspects. Alongside this, the density calculation was adjusted to make it more smooth across heights. #12248
- Added ScreenSpaceCameraController.maximumTiltAngle to limit how much the camera can tilt. #12169
- Update Japan Buildings sandcastle to use Japan Regional Terrain #12259
- Moved Viewer functionality to CesiumWidget to increase usability and make CesiumWidget closer to a drop in replacement for the Viewer when not utilizing the extra Viewer widgets. #11967.
See the changelog for the complete list of changes.