Fun projects with ESP8266 IoT chip
ESP8266 and WS2812 based, wifi enabled LED matrix. What you need:
- 3.3V LDO TLV2217-33KCSE3
- 22uF Elko
- 0.1uF
- 5V 4A with barrel connector
- 5,5/2,5 mm barrel
- WS2812 rgb LED 60 px/m
- spacer bolt + screws M3 10mm
- 6x Push Button
- 10k resistor 1/4W
- ESP8266 ESP-07
- Stuff for manufacturing the PCB
- 2x 12cm x 26cm x 3mm translucent acrylic glass
- 3.3V TTL FTDI for flashing NodeMCU and nodemcu uploader for lua scripts
(AliExpress, Bauhaus, Pollin)
send text over wifi nodemcu basic howto
ESP8266 Breakout Board