This event simulator is based on ABIDES (Agent Based Interactive Discrete Event Simulator). This is specifically designed to simulate Pendle markets.
Download the source code.
Run the install script to install the packages and their dependencies:
Regular ABIDES simulations can be run directly in python. The sample is in notebooks/demo_PENDLE.ipynb
from abides_markets.configs import prmsc1, prmsc2
from abides_core import abides
config_state = prmsc02.build_config()
end_state =
The repo currently has the following available background Market Simulation Configuration:
PRMSC01: 1 Exchange Agent, 2 Market Maker Agent, 5 Value Agents, 10 Noise Agents, 1 Liquidator Agents (primarily for testing)
PRMSC02: 1 Exchange Agent, 2 Market Maker Agents, 110 Value Agents divided to 3 types, 20000 Noise Agents, 1 Liquidator Agents. For details and modifications, go to
The order size model: each order have notional size of around 10% of the total value. For details and modifications, go to abides-markets/abides_markets/models/
There are 2 settings of driving oracle ready to be used. Details in abides-markets/abides_markets/driving_oracle
Manual Oracle: Mean-reversion around a constant mean with some predefined megashock applied through out the simulation duration.
Linear Oracle: Mean-reversion around a mean which is a linear function of time, predefined in construction.
There are 2 settings of rate oracle ready to be used. Details in abides-markets/abides_markets/rate_oracle
Constant Oracle: An oracle gives a constant funding rate.
BTC Oracle: An oracle gives the true funding rate of BTCUSDT in Binance in 2023.
- Market Maker: Record transaction volume within its average sleep time (e.g. it wakes up with rate 10 minutes, then everytime it wakes, it record the transaction volume in the most recent 10 minutes). Place 10 bid orders and 10 ask orders, distance 0.25%, total size = recorded transaction volume. Order size is linearly proportional to the distance to
(the closer tick, the bigger size).