General Info
- The plugin's code is based on Alongub's [Old Timer 1.0.7] (
- Timer 1.x and 2.0.x records can be converted for a donation,
- But it's better to start with a fresh database if you have used an older version as 2.1.3
- It is completely modular and extensible (private addons can be requested, just PN me).
- It measures the time, jumps, strafes, etc. it takes players to finish the map.
- Players can choose their level of difficulty (style). (Each style is seperated by ranking, physics, etc.)
- You can create up to 32 styles and mix their settings with many adjustments.
- It has an advanced world record system. There are also more advanceds stats available like playerinfo, latest records, etc.
- A map start and end is determined by map zones. You can add map zones in-game ([video (outdated)] (
- There are also glitch map zones, that try to stop players from exploiting map bugs that can possibly be used to cheat the timer (~ zones types).
- It has a customizable HUD that displays players their current timer and other info (or if you're a spectator it displays the timer of the player you're spectating).
- It has a Chatrank system which is based on a points-system.
- It supports only MySQL and is almost threaded to prevent laggs by your database.
- It supports CS:S and CS:GO (not all features are working on CS:GO).
- PHP-Stats to show top players/maps on your website
- You can also use custom sprites for zone beam effects ([video tutorial] (
- There are also many other optional modules.
- CS:S or CS:GO gameserver
- MySQL database (SqLite isn't supported)
- MetaMod:Source & Sourcemod 1.6.x+
- Additional various requirements for some modules
- If you have trouble goto our [WIKI] ( / [FAQ] ( page first.
- You can also use our install serive provided by Rop if you want to be sure the timer is installed correctly.
- If you have still no clue you can ask for help [here] (
////////////////////////////// /////INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS///// //////////////////////////////
1.) Download the plugin at
2.) CS:GO color support: Continue with 3.) and skip this part if you are running a CS:S server. For CS:GO you have to follow step 2 first!
2.1) Open scripting/include/ with a text editor (like Notepad++)
2.2) Find the following line - //#define LEGACY_COLORS "CS:GO Color Support"
2.3) Remove // in front of #define and close it
3.) Compiling 3.1) Download at least Sourcemod v1.5 and extract it into your desktop. 3.2) Goto addons/sourcemod/scripting/include and fill it with all files this timer provides from same folder. 3.3) Drag and drop needed SP files onto spcomp.exe inside addons/sourcemod/scripting to compile them it should create all needed SMX files.
4.) Upload all SMX files, configs, sounds and materials onto your server.
5.) Insert "timer" keyvalue into configs/databases.cfg (no sqlite support).
6.) Change configs/timer/settings.cfg to your needs
7.) Change configs/timer/physics.cfg to your needs (the folder contains some example files for bhop, surf, etc.)
7.) Skip this part if you don't like to run Chatranks/Points ranking/Skillrank Depending on if you run a CS:GO or CS:S server, rename csgo-rankings.cfg/css-rankings.cfg to rankings.cfg (addons/sourcemod/configs/timer) to enable the ranking module. 6.1) Compile simple-chatprocessor.sp and upload it to your server to enable chatranks.
8.) Restart your server.
9.) Start creating zones or use included mappacks inside addons/sourcemod/gamedata/MySQL
////////////////////////////// /////Update instructions////// //////////////////////////////
Update 2.0.x to 2.1.x: 1.) Make a backup of your mapzone, round and maptier table. 2.) Delete mapzone, round and maptier table. 3.) Delete "create table" lines of you backup files (Notepad++). 4.) Import modified backups.
////////////////////////////// //////Compability Info//////// //////////////////////////////
- Noblock (Included into Mapzone module)
- MultiPlayer Bunny Hops (Included into Physics module)
- Autobhop (Included into Physics module)
- Godmode (Build-in godmode into Physics module, with PvP Arena zone)
- SMAC autotrigger (Included into Scripter-SMAC module)
- Macrodox - Bhop cheat detection (Included into Scripter-Macrodox module)
////////////////////////////// //////Usefull CVAR list///////
- sv_accelerate "10" (Ground control)
- sv_wateraccelerate "150" (Water control)
- sv_airaccelerate "150" (Air control)
- sv_enablebunnyhopping "1" (Disable speed limit)
- sv_maxvelocity "9999" (Increase max. possible speed)
- mp_fal