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@cadebrown cadebrown released this 21 Sep 22:24
· 109 commits to master since this release
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Thank you for downloading PGS. Download the zip file with your operating system.

If you haven't already, create an account here:

Once you've done that, double click my.prefs, and change {{email}} and {{password}}.

Make sure to save the file, now double-click PGS.

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To run using the terminal, run ./PGS or ./PGS.exe for windows.

To just download workloads, run ./PGS --download $n to download and store $n workloads. You can run these later using --offline

To run downloaded workloads, run ./PGS --offline. Their results will be stored in ./output/finds.txt.
Additionally, you can run ./PGS --offline --remove to remove workload files as they are completed.

To submit stored results, run ./PGS --submit. The results will be stored online.

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Included is my.prefs, which you should have entered your email and password into.

You can change threads to however many threads you would like to run. Optimal is the number of CPU cores.

You can change time to the number of minutes to run. After that many minutes, the program will shut off.

Workload preference is what kinds of workloads you want. random is what most people will want, you may see other kinds on our wiki:

The number of threads is how many CPU cores it will take up. If you put the same number as you have cores, your computer may become unresponsive.

I would suggest leaving all but 2 cores running in general.

Thank you for contributing your time!

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All of the code:


My email: [email protected]


PGS section:

PGS Wiki: