!!! NOTE: Delete all parts of this file surrounded by three exclamation marks (including the exclamation marks themselves) and replace them with the appropriate content -- they are only instructions and shouldn't be in your report!!!
People spend the majority of their free time scrolling on social media timelessly. Our goal is to create a platform that pushes people to use their time intentionally by giving the user daily prompts or activities.
- Alessandro Sisniegas - Heuristic Evaluation Sketches with Design and Feedback.
- [!!!Person B name!!!](!!!URL to Person B's published UX journal!!!) - !!!List of Person B's primary contributions!!!
- [!!!Person C name!!!](!!!URL to Person C's published UX journal!!!) - !!!List of Person C's primary contributions!!!
Executive Summary
!!!Put phase I Executive Summary here!!!
Executive Summary
!!!Put phase II Executive Summary here!!!
Executive Summary
!!!Put phase II Executive Summary here!!!