Shell & C00 - C08
- echo
- file attributes
- SSH key
- midLS
- git commit
- gitignore
- diff
- clean
- print_groups
- find_sh
- count_files
- create file name with /"?*
- skip
- r_dwssap
- add_chelou
- ft_putchar
- ft_print_alphabet
- ft_print_reverse_alphabet
- ft_print_numbers
- ft_is_negative
- ft_print_comb
- ft_print_comb2
- ft_putnbr
- ft_print_combn
- ft_ft
- ft_ultimate_ft
- ft_swap
- ft_div_mod
- ft_ultimate_div_mod
- ft_putstr
- ft_strlen
- ft_rev_int_tab
- ft_sort_int_tab
- ft_strcpy
- ft_strncpy
- ft_str_is_alpha
- ft_str_is_numeric
- ft_str_is_lowercase
- ft_str_is_uppercase
- ft_str_is_printable
- ft_strupcase
- ft_strlowcase
- ft_strcapitalize
- ft_strlcpy
- ft_putstr_non_printable
- ft_print_memory
- ft_strcmp
- ft_strncmp
- ft_strcat
- ft_strncat
- ft_strstr
- ft_strlcat
- ft_strlen
- ft_putstr
- ft_putnbr
- ft_atoi
- ft_putnbr_base
- ft_atoi_base
- ft_iterative_factorial
- ft_recursive_factorial
- ft_iterative_power
- ft_recursive_power
- ft_fibonacci
- ft_sqrt
- ft_is_prime
- ft_find_next_prime
- ft_ten_queens_puzzle
- ft_print_program_name
- ft_print_params
- ft_rev_params
- ft_sort_params
- ft_strdup
- ft_range
- ft_ultimate_range
- ft_strjoin
- ft_convert_base
- ft_split
- ft.h
- ft_boolean.h
- ft_abs.h
- ft_point.h
- ft_strs_to_tab
- ft_show_tab
- Description
- Recreate a library of functions similar to libc
- Functions allowed to use
- malloc, free, write
- File structure
- Header file
- libft.h
- Source file
- Makefile
- Header file
- Description
- Recreate the function printf() in C
- Need to use varadic function
- Functions allowed to use
- malloc, free, write, va_start, va_arg, va_copy, va_end
- Resources
- Build a mini printf:
- Explanation on variadic functions:
- Build a printf part 1 format parser:
- Build a printf part 2 render chars & strings:
- Build a printf part 3 render int & binary extra feature:
- my_prinf.c
- Good starting point to understand what it takes to recreate the printf function
- File structure
- Header file
- ft_printf.h
- Source file
- ft_printf.c: main function
- ft_word.c: helper function, to print char, string, % sign, normal word
- ft_num.c: helper function, to print decimal, integer, unsigned int, hexadecimal, pointer
- Makefile
- Header file
- Description
- Write a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor
- Static variable
- Functions allowed to use
- read, malloc, free
- Resources
- File structure
- Header file
- get_next_line.h
- Source file
- get_next_line.c
- get_next_line_utils.c
- Makefile
- Header file
- Description
- Setup a virtual machine
- Resources
- Step by step walk through of the project:
- Introduction to LVM | Linux Academy:
- Playlist on VM and relevant stuff:
- File structure
- Siganture.txt: contain the shasum of the final .vdi file