FARL 0.3.1
There is a bug in Factorio 0.12 causing issues with FARL:
Read before use
- FARL will place rails over water, you can drive on them, but not walk.
- FARL will place rails over/under other entites (assembler, chests, inserters, etc) until it collides with them
- It can happen that FARL goes into automatic mode, causing the "No path" message to appear. Most likely it ran into a tree/stone it couldn't detect. Stop FARL and automatic mode and remove trees/stone or try again
I still managed to place a couple of hundred rails without problems. Just make sure you don't drive over water or through your factory and you should be good. But still, use at your own risk.
- fixed migration script (underscores for the crash..)
- minor fixes/changes