A plugin that attempts to recreate commands from core Zowe CLI via FTP for z/OS systems without z/OSMF (or where zosmf is down) using the zos-node-accessor package.
The intent is that commands added with this plugin are as close as possible to the corresponding commands in core Zowe CLI in terms of syntax and response.
However there may be times where they differ slightly due to technical details of the zos-node-accessor package.
You must have node.js, npm, and Zowe CLI installed on your machine before installing.
Navigate to the project root and submit the following command:
npm run installPlugin
The plugin should now be installed.
In order to run automated tests, after you have cloned the repository and issued npm install
and npm run build
copy __tests__/__resources__/properties/default_properties.yaml
to custom_properties.yaml
in the same directory, modifying it according to the instructions at the top of the file.
After you have created and populated custom_properties.yaml
, run npm run test
to run the automated tests.
The results will be available at __tests__/__results__/
Here is a script showing how you can automate build logic via FTP
#! /bin/env bash
#submit our job
jobid=$(zowe zos-ftp submit local-file jcl/build.txt --rff jobid --rft string)
echo "Submitted our job, JOB ID is $jobid"
#wait for it to go to output
while [[ "$status" != "OUTPUT" ]]; do
echo "Checking status of job $jobid"
status=$(zowe zos-ftp view job-status-by-jobid "$jobid" --rff status --rft string)
echo "Current status is $status"
sleep 5s
echo "Job is in output status. Downloading output..."
zowe zos-ftp download all-spool-by-jobid "$jobid" --directory build/job_output --ojd
echo "Eyecatcher of main binary after build :"
zowe zos-ftp view data-set "myuser.project.loadlib(main)" -b | xxd -E | head