There were a few tweaks that were needed but this is a working example, using the pretty_effect. Hint: it's wavy.
I added a power on function, the setup routines that came with the example did not provide this necessary step. Very simply we just set the PWR_EN and PWR_ON pins as outputs and drive them high.
I had to also swap the y axes.
Here is an image of the working demo:
As of this latest commit on 22 May 2023, the ESP demo is running but I have not integrated the XPT2046 touch features yet. First I plan to output raw -> screen_coords to the terminal via log calls.
The example will load the ESP image shown below and make it wavy. The framerate can be altered by changing the pixel clock frequency: EXAMPLE_LCD_PIXEL_CLOCK_HZ
, currently set at 10 MHz.
This example shows how to decode a jpeg image and display it on an SPI-interfaced LCD, and rotates the image periodically. (I actually just kept it from rotating)
If you want to adapt this example to another type of display or pinout, check lcd_tjpgd_example_main.c for comments with some implementation details.
- LilyGO T-HMI Board
- An USB-C cable for power supply and programming
Firstly, please run menuconfig
and set the Drive a LCD with 8 data lines
option at Example Configuration
GPIO number | LCD pin |
PIN_NUM_DATA1 | 47 |
PIN_NUM_DATA2 | 39 |
PIN_NUM_DATA3 | 40 |
PIN_NUM_DATA4 | 41 |
PIN_NUM_DATA5 | 42 |
PIN_NUM_DATA6 | 45 |
PIN_NUM_DATA7 | 46 |
Run -p PORT flash monitor
to build, flash and monitor the project. A flowing picture will be shown on the LCD screen.
(To exit the serial monitor, type Ctrl-]
See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.
For any technical queries, please open an [issue] ( on GitHub. We will get back to you soon.